The Quiet Voice or How to Avoid the Spiritual 2x4

I have a history of learning through the spiritual 2x4 method. If you are unfamiliar with this terminology, let me break it down. I call it God or sometimes Creator or the Universe. Call it whatever feels comfortable for you. I know a lot of people have hang ups from childhood with the word “God.” If that is the case for you, don’t use the word. Find one that feels better. So. God will often whisper to me when something needs to change, when I need to shift something in my life. I have in the past been known to ignore this whisper. That whisper becomes a tap on the shoulder, a louder voice, a yell, a jumping up and down and screaming in my face, and then comes the spiritual 2x4 upside the head. Just to be super clear, this is metaphor. I am not seeing or hearing the voice of God, and I don’t think God hits people ever. I do think messages come to us about ways we can change our lives to be more in alignment with what we want.

I really don’t think God is ever testing us or withholding from us. I truly believe God’s greatest wish is to bestow the kingdom upon us. We get in our own way a lot. And that’s when God is whispering to help us. When we don’t listen, things continue in the way they were going before. Sometimes it is hard for us to see which path is the right one, and that is why God and our ancestors and Angels are always trying to help us. But we are stubborn, aren’t we? We don’t want to hear the small voice. We want to be right. We want to believe we know the best way. And when things don’t go like we want them to, we sometimes feel God has abandoned us. God has never, will never abandon you.

These whispers are often something like: take a break, talk to this person, leave this situation, don’t engage with that person, just don’t say anything, speak your truth, go to this place, take a bath, nurture yourself, your kids will be fine for one freaking day. Not hearing these whispers can lead to sickness, heartbreak, suffering, missed opportunities, depression, and on and on. These are spiritual 2x4’s.

The pile of 2x4's I have been smacked with

Sometimes we get in our own way with our beliefs. When we come into this world from spirit, we totally understand things. We get it. We fully know in every cell of our being our connection to God. We understand the oneness because it’s who we are. As we grow, our culture instills a bunch of different beliefs in there. A lot of them are totally untrue. Things like, you gotta work hard if you want to make it in this life. I offer up that one because I have a lot of experience with it. It’s nonsense. No pain, no gain. Love hurts. Basically any line from any love song ever. God is outside of you and totally judging you and definitely sending you to eternal hellfire (I grew up in the Baptist church).

These beliefs are floating around in our head, and they’re absolutely not true. And intellectually we understand that. But they’re still there. It’s not enough to know they’re not true. We have to replace them with something. Those replacements often come in quiet whispers if you are listening. Life is easy. You need to rest. If it hurts, you should stop. Love is joy and bliss. God is who you are and is only love. If we ignore that quiet voice, those patterns keep repeating. God wants to help you, but it is you that must make the choice. You must decide to listen. You have to be the one to allow yourself to know and feel the truth.

This guy understands allowing

Moving forward I’m committing to listening to the quiet voice more often. To giving myself the gifts of gentleness and ease. To allowing God to make life smoother and more abundant for me.

All pics are Pixabay

I am a passenger on the ecoTrain! Check out @ecotrain for a plethora of excellent writing from beautiful, big hearted people doing amazing work in the world.


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