Shatashloki 65: Rama approached the residence of Shabari

in #spirituality6 years ago

So bhyagacchamahanmahaatejaah shabareem shatrusoodanah
Shabaryaa poojita ssamyak raamo dasharathaatmajah.

Meaning of the hymn- Rama, the great lustrous being who was also a fearless killer
of his enemies, approached the residence of Shabari, the saintly being. Shabari
reverentially worshipped Rama.

In accordance to the directions given by Kabandha, Rama and Lakshmana proceeded
westwards. They halted for a night on a hilltop and resumed the journey the next
morning. They reached the western side of the Pampa Sarovara and spotted the
beautiful hermitage of Shabari.

The hermitage was abounding in many great trees. Rama and Lakshmana were
observing all the surroundings as they walked towards the hermitage. Shabari too
noticed the arrival of these two brothers. On seeing them she instinctively got up,
folded her palms and offered obeisance to them. Reverentially she touched their

She offered them water to wash their feet and mouth as dictated by the scriptures.
Rama was deeply touched by the devotion displayed by Shabari.
Addressing her he said, “Shabari, I am very pleased to see you. You have realized
that there is nothing greater than penance. In the path of your penance there are
many obstacles. Have you overcome all of them? Have you conquered anger and
hunger completely? You have conquered all of them. Have you successfully
completed all the vratas that are to be completed? At all times are you are engaging
in penance? Are you successful in your Guru seva?”

In this way Rama enquired about her well being. Wellbeing occurs only on the
successful accomplishment of all the points mentioned above. Shabari was that great
being who had successfully controlled anger and hunger and was eternally engaged
in penance.

In response to this, Shabari said, “By just obtaining your darshan, Oh Rama, my
penance has been rendered successful. I have attained accomplishment in penance
(tapas siddhi). My Guru seva is now complete. You are the most supreme amongst
all the gods. I have now obtained the luck to worship your holy feet. My life is
fulfilled Oh, Lord. As your divine gaze has fallen upon me, I am rendered pure. Your
grace will take me to the divine planes (lokas) above. The disciples of Matanga
Maharishi have told me that by worshipping you and offering you hospitality that is
given to a guest (athithi satkara), I will be rewarded with the best and most supreme
planes of existence. Rama, I have been every eagerly awaiting your visit. I have set
aside many different types of fruits. Both of you please accept my hospitality,
Rama”. In this way Shabari begged them.

Rama said to her, “Shabari, Kabandha has already told me about you and about the
powers and efficacy (prabhaavam) of your Guru. If you wish, you could show them
to me”.

In great delight, Shabari showed them the sacrificial alters where her Gurus had
conducted yagnas. She showed them the place where her eminent Gurus had
created a lake within which the waters of all the seven seas were drawn. Being old,
the sages who could not travel to the seven seas for their bath, through their
sankalpa (thought/will) brought them to this place. She also showed them the
garlands made by them for the worship of the Lord, that had never withered away”
She continued, “Rama, you have seen this entire hermitage, and this entire Vana
(garden) has seen the greatness of my Gurus. Now please permit me. I seek to go to
the abode of my Gurus”.

With Rama‟s permission, Shabari entered the holy fire. Taking on a divine body and
shining like a spark of lightening, She went to the abode of Her Gurus. By procuring
a vision (darshan) of Rama, by worshipping him and offering him hospitality, Shabari
was rendered totally pure.

Even God praised the qualities of Shabari, who believed that Guru Seva is everything
in itself and who lived in accordance with it. He came to her doorstep and accepted
her hospitality. Thereafter he blessed her.

Leaving Shabari‟s ashram, Rama and Lakshmana walked towards Pampa lake.
With this, the Aranya kanda of Ramayana comes to an end.

There is one noteworthy statement in this episode. Shabari could have sought
Vaikuntha or Brahmaloka. But she asked Rama to send her to the plane (loka) where
her Guru resided. To her, it was more important than Vaikuntha itself! She wanted to
be with her Guru!

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.


Om Seeta Ramabhyam Namaha !!

Shivaya Rudraya Namaha! Shabari offered half bitten fruits (the most delicious ones) to Sri Rama, Lakshman and Sita Mataji

JGD Om namo Narayanaya

Jai Sri Ram🙏Om namo Hanumathe Namaha 🙏🌸🌺🌼🌹💐🌷

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