Gurugita 30: Process of Guru meditation

in #spirituality6 years ago

Gurugita 30: Process of Guru meditation

All of us entertain limitless desires. However each of these desires had an end point. Only upon fulfillment of a desire we realize that we have not reached a state of total contentment. This is because soon after one desire is fulfilled another desire stems up in the mind. It too meets the same end and is followed by another desire. In this fashion, one desire after another keep arising and dissolving endlessly.

The last desire in this process, is desire for liberation. When this is reached there are no more desires left. When this is achieved there is nothing more left to be procured. Guru should be worshipped purely to achieve this ultimate desire.

Seeing the snake charmer we are eager to see the snake inside the box. We curiously stand there. Although we are aware of its form, our curiosity keeps us waiting. When the box is opened and we have sighted it, our curiosity vanishes and we walk away. We no longer entertain the desire to see it. If another snake charmer were to appear the next day, we will no longer be curious as our desire stands fulfilled. Likewise when all our desires come to an end one after another, the last desire i.e. desire for liberation remains. This is the final end. If this is achieved, there is nothing left to be achieved. Hence the Sadguru should be worshipped for achieving liberation. A Spiritual Guru should not be used for any gains or trivial desires. When you are told that you are going to earn millions in a lottery, will you aspire for trivial coins? Never.

For those who cannot meet these high standards, the process of worshipping the Guru who has taken on a physical form is being explained now.

Prātah śirasi śuklābje dvinētraṃ dvibhujaṃ Gurum Varābhayakaraṃ śāntaṃ smarēttannāma pūrvakam Prasanna vadanāṃbhojam sarvadēva svarūpinam Tatpādodakajāṃ dhārāṃ nipatantīm svamūrdhani Tayā saṇkṣalayēd-bāhya māṃtaraṃ daihikaṃ malam Tat kṣaṇa dvirajo martyo dhyāyate sphaṭīkopamaḥ

Every morning, soon upon waking up, visualize a white lotus upon your head. Have the firm belief that your Sadguru is seated upon it. With the mind’s eye clearly see His feet, His eyes, His pleasant face, the abhaya mudra & vara mudra (gestures) that He has placed with His hands.

Visualizing the abhaya mudra (assurance of fear-not) and vara mudra are very important.


JGD Tataji 🙏🏻

JGD Appaji 🙏🏻

Om Sree Gurubhyom Namaha !!

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