Gurugita 014: One who rebukes a Spiritual Guru loses all the merit (punya)

in #spirituality6 years ago

Gurugita 014: One who rebukes a Spiritual Guru loses all the merit (punya)

Indra had conquered all demons and was ruling the three worlds in all grandeur. In this state, his mind travelled towards comforts and pleasures. There are many who waste their wealth in gambling, drinking or in other vices. Like them, Indra was now fascinated by other comforts.

Once Indra was immersed in enjoying the dance of the Apsaras. The word Apsara brings to memory a dance. However in addition this dance has certain bliss associated with it. While he was engrossed in this dance, his Guru Brihaspati entered the assembly. Indra was intoxicated with all the enjoyment and luxuries. Arrogance had seeped into him. Due to this, he pretended to be ignorant of the arrival of his Guru into his court. There is no greater sin than this with regard to Guru.

Brihaspati, who noticed this, silently walked away from there. Where and how He vanished remained a mystery. It was impossible to figure out to which region He had disappeared. This disappearance of Brihaspati irritated Indra. He thought, ‘How dare Brihaspati behave so arrogantly? He walked into my assembly without any advance intimation to me. Moreover He walked in at a time when I was busy with my other activities. How could I have noticed his arrival? He then walked away from my court without even informing me. Is it right on the part of a Guru to behave in such queer manner? Why is he behaving in this annoying manner?’

Indra had in his pride forgotten that Brihaspati was his Guru. As Brihaspati was always advising him like a minister, Indra began to consider he was just another of his ministers. He had developed a negligent/ casual attitude towards his Guru. He opined that Brihaspati was a minister, an astrologer and a learned pundit who would solve his mundane problems.

Treating the Guru like a mere almanac reader/ astrologer is wrong. ‘I have selected March 3rd for my house warming. Should I conduct the function on March 3rd or 4th?’ A Self-realized Spiritual Guru should not be used for casual problem solving. There are many road side astrologers and pundits who can attend to such trivial problems.

Guru should be seen as that Supreme Being who can help us cross this repeated cycle of births and deaths. He should be seen as the purest being; as the Supreme Lord and as the most supreme energy who can transform the disciple himself!

Sadly, Indra had forgotten all this. For having spurned his Guru, his balance of punya depleted instantly.

Any person, who scoffs / rebukes a Spiritual Guru, loses at that very minute, all the merit to his credit. Hence great caution should be exercised in this aspect. Under no circumstances, should a person rebuke/ scoff at his Guru. He should not even speak about Him lightly.

He should not think- ‘O He advised us to proceed, but look the outcome’. On the contrary, he should think- ‘Oh what would have been my circumstance had He not intervened and advised me appropriately? Maybe it was best it happened this way. My Sadguru is all knowing. He who knows my past births, He who is aware of my future births has given this advice. Whatever has happened, has happened for only my good. He knows what is right for me’.


Om Sree Sadgurave Namaha !!

Om Sree Sadgurubhyo Namaha 🙏🏻

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