Datta Maata 183: Role of concentration in attaining spiritual enlightment

in #spirituality6 years ago

Let us discuss about one of the good stories of Padmapādācharya. In order to do sādhana (spiritual practice), unflickering mind and concentration are very important. More the concentration, earlier the siddhi (enlightenment). The story of Padmapāda is a very best example in this regard. Sanandana was one amongst the disciples of Shankara Bhagavadpāda. He was rich with virtues and had immense devotion on his Guru. Shankara, being pleased with his devotion made him read the "Prasthāna traya" thrice. Other disciples could not tolerate his domination and hence they struggled a lot within themselves. They developed great jealousy. Their Guru was observing all this.

Once, Bhagavad Pāda went to river Ganga for bath along with the disciples. All the disciples were on one side of the bank whereas Sankarācharya was on the other side. While all of them were watching closely, Guru looked at Sanandana and signalled him to cross the river and come to him. Then, he prayed to the lotus feet of the Guru in his mind and entered the Ganga river even without observing it's flow but with total concentration of the mind. For every step he took, a lotus emerged under his foot. Sanandana walked all the way on the lotuses and reached the lotus feet of his Guru. Shankarācharya became extremely happy for his devotion. From that day onwards, he was named as "Padmapāda".
Once, Padmapāda went to Ahōbila, (a pilgrim center where Narasimha Swamy is the main deity) to chant the mantra of Narasimha Swamy and to perform penance on the hill. Time passed by but he never had the darshan of the Lord. A hunter was observing Padmapāda since a long time. One day, he said to Padmapāda, who was engrossed in penance, "O revered one! What are you searching here? I know the entire area of this forest. How may I help you?". Padmapāda did not know how to reply to that innocent hunter. He replied, "In this forest, did you ever see an animal with human body till it's throat and with a lion face? I am doing this penance only for that animal." That hunter, innocently said, "Swamy, I am residing in this forest since many years. But, I had never come across such an animal. I think that animal is absent here." Padmapāda said, "My dear! It is a fact that the animal exists here. If at all you see it, let me know." Listening his words, the hunter said, "Swamy! If that is the case, then I will search the entire forest despite any amount of strain, trap that animal and bring it to you by this evening." Saying so, he left. The mind of that hunter remained on the form of the animal which was described by Padmapāda. Neglecting even food and water, he recollected that form again and again and searched each and every inch of the shrubs and caves. But, he did not find that animal. However, he believed that the words uttered by Padmapāda cannot be false. So, he searched again and again. He believed that if he cannot show that animal to Padmapāda, then his life was a mere waste. Finally, he decided to commit suicide. As a result, he tied himself to a tree in the forest and was about to sacrifice his life. Immediately, the animal that Padmapāda described appeared right in front of him. Immediately, the hunter jumped down and tied that animal with the available creepers and took it to Padmapāda. But, Padmapāda could not get the darshan at all. Then, the hunter described the animal. After some time, Padmapāda could listen to the roaring sounds of Narasimha Swamy. Then, he praised the Lord with several hymns. Gradually, he could listen to the Lord's words. The Lord said, "Padmapāda, this hunter has focussed his mind totally on me unlike you. Hence, you can only listen to my sound. However, do not worry. You will also get the darshan as soon as you get mantra siddhi (enlightenment).

So, we must understand how important it is to possess unflickering mind and concentration in spiritual practice. This story is discussed even today in Ahōbila.

Jai Nārasimha Swamy! Jai Nārasimha Swamy!


Jai Narasimha Swami !! Jai Appaji !!!

Jai Narasimha Swamy🌺🌼🌼🌺🙏🏻

Jai appa ji...

Jai Guru Hanuman! Dharana is most important for any endeavor, most important to reach The Goal!

Jai Narasimha Swamy!

JGD Om namo Narayanaya

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