Full Moon Magic - does it really affect us???steemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality8 years ago (edited)

moon magic mandalla.jpg

The simple answer to this question is YES!!!

The above picture I shot last night at 3am during the partial eclipse, which turned out to be not all that noticeable.

But the experience of watching the moon for 30mins was far more noticeable in the way that it energised me.

I didn't stop working on the Steem Masters website till 7am!

The website is pretty much there now by the way. A few minor tweaks still going on.... but please feel free to check it out here and contact me on steemit.chat if you're interested to learn more: https://sammystonehill.wixsite.com/steemmasters

So what's all this moon stuff about then?

I have been told by personal friends who work in hospitals that their A&E departments are most active on the night of the full. More energy, more madness, more accidents. This I do believe is where the legend of the werewolf was born.

beware the moon lads.jpg
A shot from the excellent John Landis film American Werewolf in London

Heightened energy means heightened connection

There is that which can be seen and that which remains (for most of us) to be unseen. All I know is that here in Bali, aside this living valley filled with ancient temples half consumed by the jungle, there are powerful energies around. Sometimes to assist. Sometimes to torment.

My daughter Luna had her placenta buried next to our home because it is believed here that four souls enter the womb at the moment of conception, while only one gets to become physical. The other three are trapped within the placenta and will bring only torment to the physical sibling...

unless the correct ceremony is performed and the three sous are free to assist in the joyful manner they would prefer.


Having lived here for almost two years now I can unquestionably say that this place has changed my life and on nights when the moon is full and bright as it was yesterday, showing me all it's impossible specs of light in the monitor of my camera, there is a heightened sense of perception and wonder.

When zoomed in this close you can see it moving through the shot at a much faster speed than you would imagine.

And what the hell are those specs of light anyway???

tegalalang banner.jpg

I had hoped to buy some land here in this magical land full of spirits and legends, to put down some roots for a while, but the current value of steem is not permitting.

Not a problem.

I do believe the spirits here are friendly ones and currently helping me very much...

and I am completely content to go with the flow :)



I hope you are going to witness the full solar eclipse on the 21st.. i live right in the epicenter... Plan on scaling my apartment building to see it

Absolutely! Looking forward to that one :)

I always feel that full moon magic!! Can't sleep and thinking awesome! in those times!

Yep... know that feeling!

very good.
I would be happy if you like to follow me and give your opinion about my posts.

Not too much time for helping more people currently but I appreciate the upvote.

Love the closeups. The and moon madness have a long association. I think that's where the word lunatic derives from. It is also a symbol of love, so in the end your feelings at the time probably influences what effect it has on you. I personally love a full moon. Tonight I watched it through the branches of my large acacia tree, quite magical.

Great post! =)

Wow, great photo! My phone never takes pictures like that :D
Yes, if the moon influences the tides, it influences us, too, I'm convinced of that.

I was looking at your photo and thinking - it looks like there are cities with lights turned on! What ARE those specs of lights?!

And where do I see the speed? Do you have other zoomed in moon photos?

The moon is amazing. Farmers have blessed the fields during a full moon for a bountiful harvest. My favorite thing to do on a full moon (well a day before and a day after) is fill a jar with filtered water and have the moon bless it. I normally like to drink that water when I'm feeling low on energy. It works, well at least for me.

Amazing info my friend. Your focused intention combined with the enhanced energy will surely affect the water. Interestingly I do the same thing but with the sun and a few crystals thrown in for a little extra ;)

No doubt the moon produces a different kind of energy.


Yes, Ive done this myself. I like your combo Carnelian with the outside protection of amethyst.

Great article! We'd be fools to think that the moon doesn't affect us. Something you didn't mention is that we are mostly water, and moon rules water and dictates tidal fluctuation. Moon phases do affect our chemical balances.

Followed and upvoted!

Thanks for the extra info. This is also why the full moon period is a great time to fast. All the toxins are also being pulled out along with the water.

You'd be surprised how many people don't think about stuff like this.

Thanks for the follow & up :)

You're right! When presented with this information, many people would deny it because they've been taught and told it's bunk. Those of us who know will keep trying to teach.

Keep it up! And you're welcome! :)

Why do you think they call them Lunatics?..😉

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