Law of Attraction: MACH II (How to Train Your Mind)

in #spirituality7 years ago

Law of Attraction (LOA) and how to to use it

harder, better, stronger, and faster! I see so much

info out there about LOA and it seems

everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. But how

many people are getting results? Let's get

some results.

The Law of Attraction states that what you believe,

you will attract. What you think will become your

reality. Think back five years ago. Where was your

focus? Have your past thoughts and beliefs molded

your present? What if you had consciously and

willfully focused on what you wanted your life to be

like? Would it be different from the reality you are

currently experiencing? What would change?

We are constantly using LOA, whether we are

conscious of it or not. Thoughts are energy! They

take shape and form. If your life is not what you

want it to be, you have the power and ability to to

use LOA. It is never to late to begin.

So, our first step is to define our desires. What do

we want? What do we want to change about our

lives? And the other question, WHY do we want those

changes. Take a sheet of paper and

draw a line down the middle, creating two columns.

The First column is "WANTS" and the second column

is "WHY". For every desire you write down, write

down why you want that, You will find that your WHYS

will likely repeat themselves. Many of my wants had a

why of "to make a better life for my family" and "to

help others achieve their desires" . The WHY list is

a great indicator of what drives you emotionally.

Emotions are a powerful catalyst to achieving

success with LOA so pay close attention to your

feelings while you make your lists and when you

picture yourself living the life you want to be


Imagery and emotion are integral to your success.

Emotion is energy and travels along your intent like

electricity travels on wires. The ability to focus, feel,

and visualize are paramount to successful use of

LOA. If you have trouble focusing or visualizing, I

strongly recommend doing exercises to strengthen

these abilities which are innate.

If you are completely new at this or if you have

been trying without much success, start at the

beginning. You must train your mind to bend to your

authority. There are several steps, which, when

followed and practiced, can increase your abilities

which will increase your success in attracting the life

you want.

Lets begin with Step One. This is in the physical

realm. By using LOA, we are trying to control the

physical realm through the mind realm, so first you

must learn to control your own body. If you can't

control it, you wont be able to control things outside

of you.

Begin by putting yourself in a comfortable position,

either sitting or laying down, but don't get so comfy

you fall asleep. Now let all your muscles relax. If you

have stubborn muscles, tell them to relax. Say, "feet

relax, legs relax, hips relax", and so forth until you

feel loose and relaxed. Don't forget your facial

muscles and scalp. Now don't move for 10 minutes.

You are willfully vegging out. You can, of course,

blink and breathe, but other than that just be a real

couch potato. If you feel the urge to move, resist. If

you have an itch, resist. Resist everything your body

tries to make you do. You are the boss. Do this for

10 minutes the first time you try it. Once you can do

it for 10 minutes, try to do it for 20 and then 30.

When you can do this for 30 minutes without

moving, you are ready to move onto step two.

In Step Two we are still using Step One, so you will

be sitting completely still for 10 minutes (it will be easy for you

now) while focusing on a candle flame. Get a candle and a

quiet, dark space and sit or lay comfortably like in

step one and just look at the candle. You will have

thoughts popping up and chatter might be

happening, but just ignore that and let it fade

as you keep your eyes on the flame and keep

your body still. Again, start with 10 minutes and

work your way up to 30 minutes.

Step Three is closely related to Step Two. We are

doing the same thing with the candle and keeping

still, but now we are going to make the thoughts and

chatter stop. We are making the mind still, like the

body. So instead of just keeping your vision on the

candle, this time focus on the flame. If a thought

comes, stop thinking it and return the attention to

the flame. This part is a little more difficult for most

people and may take longer to control. Your mind will

want to have a chat or look at pictures or day dream.

but now is not the time for all that. Now is the time

for focus and training the mind to be quiet and listen

to your will. Do not get upset with yourself when you

catch yourself having chatter or thoughts running

through. Simply stop it (say "stop it" if you have to) and gently return your focus

to the flame. Repeating this over and over trains

your mind to bend to your will and carry out the

tasks you need it to do. Again, start with 10 minutes

and work your way to 30 minutes of focus.

Once you have mastered the previous steps and

you can focus on the candle flame without any

thoughts barging in and being still of body and mind,

you are ready to move on to Step Four. Here, we

take away the candle as a focal point and replace it

with focus on your own breathing. Be still in body

and mind and just tune in to your breath moving

through your body, entering through the nose, filling

the lungs and exiting through the nose. Notice the

rhythm of your breathing pattern. Breathing through

the nose produces effective results. Do not try to

control your breathing, you are only observing in a

focused manner, you are not acting on anything. And

like with the other techniques, start with 10 minutes

and increase to 30 minutes.

These four steps help greatly in training the body

and mind to be still. You will see it gets easier if you

keep at it. Especially if you put aside just half an

hour every day to do these. Aside from enhancing

your ability to use LOA, you will feel other benefits,

like peace of mind and feeling healthier in the body s well.

I think it is also a good idea to record your

experiences with the exercises every day so you can

track how you are doing.

Now, we need visuals. If you have ever had a day

dream, you have visualized. If you can close your

eyes and see your loved ones you are visualizing!The

key is to be able to hold this visual which is why you

did all the exercises above. Still some people have

trouble visualizing and there are exercises for that

also. And even if you can visualize these are good


One way is to study a picture or object for a few

minutes and then close your eyes and "see" it in your

mind. If you want to have a more intense experience

with visualization, do the breathing exercise in Step

Four, except this time instead of exhaling through

your nose, imagine your anja chakra is exhaling. This

is the third eye and is located between in the space

between the eyebrows. Breathe in through your nose

and out through the third eye area (of course your

breath is going to come out your nose, but your

attention is on your third eye) Try not to let your

physical eyes look up toward your third eye because

they may naturally want to, resist this urge or

reaction. After a short while you may feel a sensation

between your eyebrows. That is because focusing on

an area will increase blood flow and energy activity

to that area. This results in a better ability to

visualize and hold the image in your mind.

And finally, but certainly not least is EMOTION. As

I have said before, emotion is energy, a catalyst of

power. Remember your list of "WHYS"? These should

bring forth emotions, which add KAPOW!! to your

visualizations and intents. Emotion is the driving

force that gets your desire on the road to

manifestation. And BELIEF that you deserve what you desire

is also important. Your subconscious mind must believe it as

it is the part of your mind that actually shapes and creates your reality.

Okay! So now you are equipped to charge forth

into the land of abundance. You have the ability to be

still of body and mind, you have the ability to focus

and visualize and you have clearly defined desires.

You are ready to create your own reality and make

things happen.

Choose one of your desires and use any method

you like to use. If you like to make collages of your

desires or say affirmations or use music or subliminal

symbols to your subconscious or a combination of

these, do it. Make the collage, blast that music. Do

whatever it takes to get your emotions up about your

desire. This is where you can get creative and use

what works for you to get that feeling. Get amped with

emotion.Then when you are ready hold the image in your mind,

use your focus and visualization skills and be still. Put all your

focus and emotion on that one desire and hold it for

at least 10 minutes. If you can do it longer, good!

this can make it happen faster. When you are

finished putting all your energy in your desire, which

is now an actual thought form, send it off to make

your desires become manifest.

Don't forget Gratitude for your manifestations.

Being thankful is an emotional act that attracts more

blessings. I know this sounds like alot of work and

discipline, but it does produce results. See for

yourself and start living life the way you really want

to. There is enough good for everyone on the planet.

More than enough. An infinite amount, actually.

I hope this helps you on the path of LOA and a life

you create yourself.

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