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RE: To almost die is to live.

Had to copy this into a word document, so I could highlight and take notes to fully understand as well as respond adequately! Can just see, how you were hissing at my last comment 😜

Of course, your first sentence already makes me want to contradict.. ahm sorry.. 😇

I can't believe, that everyone seeks a substitute for missing something in life. Actually, at least in our western world, most people probably don't. Many out of ignorance. For me, it is because of a sort of "acceptance". It is what it is, I don't question it. And that is, why I can define my "religion" in just a few words too.

Good is.

I think, particularly because we are trapped in a physical existence, our mind is not capable to even coming close to understanding the answers. Its far more, than a three year old trying to understand quantum physics... so why ask? Because a three year old would? Actually, it would be ok with me, but still there is no answer in eternity, that would be both, correct as well as understandable to the toddler 😳

That doesn't mean I haven't had my fair share of so called spiritual experiences. Or even those life threatening. I don't know, if being out in the sea on a tiny submarine or facing German traffic on a motorcycle count as one of the "rituals" you are referring to, but I have sat there many times thinking: "more luck than brains!" And I do hope, my (imagined) guardian angel will continue doing an awesome job!

I'm no big fan of the matrix trilogy. OK, entertaining. But the concept is ludicrous. I can't imagine an AI stupid enough, to make such an effort to get the energy needed, when there are much better energy sources available. By the way, I never thought the "breeding" aspect was for any more than creating more "batteries". Thing is, I'm sure every organism needs more energy in the end than it might produce..

In a much better story, I think H. P. Lovecraft wrote back in the 1930s, brains feed with sensory input in a laboratory supposedly had no way of telling they were not actually living a real life. The question remains, if such a brain, with all the experiences real to it, has a survival instinct or any sense of spirituality. I would think (always find it a bit absurd, when I use this word) yes. No different from a brain living in an organic body, who's job is to gather energy (food), oxygen for the brain and to reproduce.

What I totally agree with is what you say towards the end. Whenever we accomplish something outside our comfort zone, it does change us in the way you describe. Nevertheless, I'm not sure, people take risks for spiritual growth. Quite often its most likely just for a thrill, an adrenalin rush... Had you challenged the North Sea and you would have actually been trapped in the water rushing in, your perception and (spiritual) experience would certainly have been different, but then again, you would no longer be in a "position" to tell us about it. Which I would find very sad, by the way 😘

Plus, why does something have to be dangerous to make us feel this "immersion" after all? What about creating art or being lost in love?

Still, for me the why is insignificant. Its like riding my bike... I'm fine feeling the power (without knowing how exactly that piece of steel produces it) and the sense of freedom. Although I admit... that it does have the element of danger included. Which I no longer long for, the older I get... becoming more and more aware of my own finity anyways 😎


Dear friend,

no bad thoughts from my side. :)

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

The best answer to your comment cannot be given by me, but by Alan Watts: from minute 30 to about minute 41. Listen to it, it is worth being heard in any case. Even after that, his speech will be really gripping:

I had the utmost joy listening to him. Gives me cheers & peace & inspiration.

To live - to really live - means to lose the fear of dying by learning to fully accept death. An experience close to death is something that can cause it. Rituals can do this.

But if we already become liars on the deathbeds of others and pretend as if father death is not already directly in front of you, we also distrust each other in other matters.

Perhaps you are not meant at all with my article. It is possible that with you "everything is already good". And that is already everything. ;-)

P.S. a curious question: what have you felt after your submarine-experience? And how did others respond to it?

Still trying to concentrate on a difficult part in my current artwork, so I'll listen to Alan Watts later. If it had been a recording by you, of course I wouldn't have the patience to wait ;-)

We had some tricky moments on the sub, but then I guess you pretty much just function. You have a responsibility for your comrades and you are trained to do your job accurately without having to think about it much. Afterwords, there is a feeling of relief, but also of confidence, that we could do what it takes. No actual near death experience, as for us it was normal to stay alive ;-)

I don't think I'm afraid of death per se. Its more of an unsettling thought, that I might not have enough time left to do and create all the things I still want to do...

Interesting what you say. I think it has it in it:

you pretty much just function. You have a responsibility for your comrades and you are trained to do your job accurately without having to think about it much. Afterwords, there is a feeling of relief, but also of confidence, that we could do what it takes. No actual near death experience, as for us it was normal to stay alive ;-)

In order to "simply function", something must precede what you have called "training", which through repetition and reiteration makes fluent action possible without having to think long and hard about how to act.

"responsibility for the comrades": That's a good one. Now, from where do you get this sense? Is it something that you learned there alone? I suppose not, it's a concept you knew already through other occasions but there it all of a sudden becomes real and significant. Where life could be endangered as you approach unknown situations: you'd better be prepared to trust und to be trusted. Then this whole experiences also adds on to be another preparation for your future life events.

"confidence" through this experience. It's a good feeling.

Thanks for bringing that on.

For the unsettling part I guess, you have an answer on that yourself ;-)

And here, you have my voice - a short story written by me two years ago or so:)

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