Little notes: Take back the power to own your story

in #spirituality7 years ago

Everything starts with you. Once you become aware of this, you want to do whatever it takes to take back your own power. Do not let anyone or even yourself rob you from the gift to heal yourself. By accepting this responsibility you can own the story of your life. This story may have a lot of twist and turns - know that you can take conscious control of the way you respond to certain circumstances and events that "happen to you". It may not always be easy but you got to have trust knowing that life only wants you to level up! And will give you all the experiences necessary for your soul to grow. 💚 "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung. All is within. We choose to be here at this time finding our way back home to the Source; infinite love. We're spiraling out of the illusion we created; the illusion of separateness. It's a wonderful time to be alive. Spirit is calling us. 💚


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More little notes, spirituality, travel stories and empowerment curated for the free thinkers and lightworkers out there. @rebelbuddha


The spiritual G in me recognizes the Spiritual G in you. <3 Namasté

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