You don't have to die to go to heaven

in #spirituality8 years ago (edited)

You don't have to die in order to "go to heaven".

This is one of the destructive aspects of religious programming on earth's surface right now.

Many people right now are participating in the cultural eschatological expectation that The World Will End in order to usher in a New Age Golden Jubilee. Even if you do not personally ascribe to the judeo-christian religion (or one of its New Age outgrowths)(or Islam or Hindu-ism) these expectations are part of the cultural program running at this time and have probably affected your perception.

Here are some misconceptions or "flaws in the software" that should be healed so that true freedom can be experienced:
*suffering is necessary for didactic purposes
*suffering is necessary before exultation (one must eat one's vegetables before dessert)
*it is necessary to experience total destruction in order to experience total renewal
*it is necessary to be disassociated from the physical body and physical matter in order to be free in terms of consciousness
*Heaven is a bodiless state of being
*Planet Earth has to be destroyed in order to cleanse it of evil

We are each powerful artists of reality, and divine miniature co-creators, so what we think and feel and expect has a big impact on the manifestation of Reality.

Not only do these un-examined basic presumptions or foundation expectations and beliefs shape or distort or limit Reality, they are part of the "software program" for eventual "harvest" of all of the consciousness on Earth to be "uploaded" to an artificial realm that is falsely designated as "Heaven".

There is, indeed, a basic flaw in the human operating system, and it is connected to the genetic degradation humanity experienced so many millennia ago; death, or the experience of hitting the flowing membrane or boundary that encapsulates the time vortex as opposed to escaping the time vortex through the tiny wormhole at the pinnacle, is the aberration, or the thing that is not supposed to exist.

I am not intending to insult you with the next thing I am saying, instead, I am intending to break a harmful inner program:
The idea that the religious figure Jesus Christ has to die in order to achieve eternal life is part of the flaw in the software.
The rationale is "in order to transcend death you must die" and that is what so many people are living out as truth in their lives today.
It does not make rational sense to me, to think that, it is necessary to hit the membrane of death in order to avoid hitting the membrane of death.

But I am trying to give you the "patch code", for a new option in Reality, that you can transform your DNA into a new shape while you are still in the physical body, and you don't have to hit the membrane of death in order to avoid hitting the membrane of death, as the flawed premise indicates.

Instead, it is possible to ascend, or achieve a higher mental state, while still in your body, or while still using physical matter.
The process of experiencing this actually re-defines what physical matter is, and the matter can now act in new and expanded ways that it couldn't do before.

The matter of your body can act differently, and the context of the world around you can act differently, and your experience of time and what is considered "the physical plane" can be very different and much more pleasant.

We don't have to purify earth with a firestorm in order to "get rid of" all of the ugly things we don't like here. That would also get rid of so much beauty and things that we do like here (eg microbes, butterflies, Dolphins).

The solution is to re-arrange each humans genetic code so that they are no longer a house for demons, or occupiers of the interstices, the membrane of death. Kick the invaders out of your individual body, and out of human society, and out of earth's arena of consciousness.

The Flying Rainbow Lasagne is the tool or methodology for re-arranging your human genetic code in to the new format.


I reckon they just weren't ready for you ❤ I get you tho sister xxx

Beautifully said! It is always nice to see more people that believe in spirituality, not religion. Your art is beautiful as well.

Thanks very much! My artwork is derived from my spiritual quest, or vice versa :)

Hey, thanks very much, for reading and for viewing my artwork! I have plenty more artwork to share, and I have a set of videos and webinars, too , about the ideas present in the images.

You are welcome, I am looking forward to seeing what else you have to post. I have a bunch of stuff too, I have been slowly posting it as well.

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