Spiritual Sovereignty – The Hidden Ascension Path

in #spirituality6 years ago
When you progress spiritually it’s natural to seek out guidance from those who are on your same frequency. However, your path is personal to you, and at some point, you have to take full responsibility for yourself. Let’s get deeper into how these changing times appear as we seek to improve ourselves.

As we are going through these energetic shifts and awareness changes it’s important to remember that there is more than one thing going on. It’s not “this is what is happening and this is what you should do” because there is more than one thing happening, and what you should do depends on your inner being.

The basics remain the same no matter who you are – heal your wounds, face your emotional fears, love yourself, love others, and get in alignment with your inner being. But beyond that, there is some discernment needed.

Yes, we are all from one source but we don’t all carry the same energy, and we don’t all have the same cosmic origins. There are variances here, so there is more than one agenda going on.

Pixabay/ darksouls1

There’s energy that wants you to ascend into heart-centered sovereignty, energy that wants you to “ascend” into a more comfortable form of slavery, energy that wants you to think you’ve ascended but really you’ve just get spun back on a karmic loop, and energy that doesn’t care about presenting ascension because it wants you to stay right where you are. And I’m sure there are other angles that I have overlooked.

The point is that it’s important for you to be aware of this. And with that awareness, maintain confidence that you can and will get aligned with what is right for you.

Your soul has a purpose, your soul has a plan and that’s something you have to get in touch with. Nobody can do that for you.

People can help you. People can give you tools or remind you of things. But it’s important not to look at others as your savior or leader. Humanity has to get out of the mindset of hierarchy and leaders and get more into the mindset of collaboration and personal responsibility.

I always say, I am the Queen of myself, and any attempts to infringe upon that are not going to be met kindly. So, my advice to you is to remain in your power.

When you are listening to people, taking advice, and participating in groups, make sure the words freedom and sovereignty are in there somewhere. Because “love and light” without acknowledgement of sovereignty is NOT love or light.

Humans don’t need to be controlled and managed like farm animals. Farm animals shouldn’t even be seen as farm animals. You can’t raise your level of consciousness while avoiding actually raising your level of consciousness.

Finally, remember that the only battle is the battle within. The battle within you that keeps you afraid of facing yourself and claiming responsibility for yourself. Focus on that, and you win. And when you win with your pure heart, you help the world around you to win as well.

Queen Tourmaline is an intuitive counselor, energy reader, and writer. Sign up for her Insider’s List to get a weekly message with the good vibes and practical strategies to help you align your energy to get the best outcomes in life.

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