True Teacher is Realized Example and Vibration of the Teaching

in #spirituality6 years ago

Teacher must be Living Realized Example of the Teaching He or She is presenting. If Eye give You the Word, then Eye must be the Word that I AM Myself, or I AM just another Pretender or Deceiver. You must Feel the Word that I AM for You to Know, Eye cannot tell You. Whatever We are Teaching, We have to be Masters of ourselves in our own living Example. If Teacher is Teaching just some Words that He remembered in HIs Mind, but this is not the Truth in His Example and He is not Master of what He is Teaching, this is Deception and not Teaching. Cheating. Cheating is not Teaching, but it sounds similar If We are only memorizing, We are just Parrots, repeating what We memorized and what can We Teach? Realization makes One a Teacher. Teacher is an Example and Vibration of His Teaching and that Realization, Vibration within the Word of a Teacher is what provides the Activation to the One listening or reading the Word that I AM with Open Heart and assists Them to become Their Greatest Divine Version. Realized Vibration in Example of a Teacher must match the Meaning of the Teaching. Words are Word, They can be correct on Point, but They are nothing. The Vibration, Realized Truth in Being in the Word is what effects the Heart to open in Love, even if Word is not scientifically Correct. But The Vibration is Truth, behind the Word. There is Power in Word. Power in Word that I AM felt deeply in the Heart, Spiritual Teacher should be Enlightened, being the Truth that I AM Himself to Teach Spirituality. Realized Truth, Love in Being and Example is what Activates the Teaching to assist Souls seeking Enlightenment and never just plane Words. Energy, Truth, Love within the Word that I AM is giving Water to the Heart to Grow and Fly and never just the Word Itself: Word must be Filled up with Truth in Essence, therefore One must always Feel the Word deeply in Their Heart and not just Think about the Meaning in the Mind. If Love is Felt within the Word and Heart is attracted in Harmony towards the Word, then One should follow Their Heart and listen or read, for the Energy, Realization in Example, Vibration of Truth, Love behind the Word is what Works Magick on those seeking the Truth. Truth is within You and True Teacher only guides You towards Your own Truth within.

False Teachers can speak everything Right in most charming Words and everything can be spoken outwardly Correct. Charming Words are nice to the Mind, but if there is no Truth behind Them, no Realized Master, they are nothing, just Words and they do not assist us Spiritually to grow in any Way Only some cheap Magic for the Mind. Source of the Teaching and the Truth of the Source of Words We are reading or listening is what Opens the Dimensions for us, so We can Fly. if Teacher is the Truth, Words can be very simple and not explain to our Mind much. Words can be even incorrect scientifically, but the Energy within the Words of True Masters is what assist seekers to become Masters themselves. Illiterate Realized Master can Teach You a lot more than someone who just memorized all the Spiritual Knowledge in His Mind, yet is not Living Example of their Teaching. Eye Love to explain everything very deeply from all Corners. I AM so Simple, that I AM Complicated. But most of all Eye Love to give You Truth and Love from My Heart in every Word that I AM. Vibration of Truth in the Word that I Am is what infects the Heart with Virus of Divine Love. But do not Believe Me and just Trust Me on that. I AM not a Religion. Feel in Your Heart deeply every Word that I AM and discern for Yourself. You must follow Your Heart. You must Trust what You Feel in Your Heart, so no False Teacher can deceive You. You must Trust Your Heart. and the Direction that Heart Guides You towards. You must Trust what You Feel, for what You Feel in Your Heart is Real. in this Way You find Your own Inspiration, Motivation, YOu own Teachers that Feel like Family to Your Heart Teacher must resonate with Your Heart and as Your Heart opens in Harmony Word of a Realized Master as Vibration of Truth has effect on Your Heart and it assist You in Gradual Process of Your own Mastery and Self Realization. Birds of same Feather Flock together. Only Bird of Your Feather can guide You Home.

Regardless what the Teacher is Teaching. Teacher must be living Example of His or Her Teaching, Master of His Craft. Every Teacher in this World, regardless if its the Master Carpenter or Teacher of Astro Physics must be a Master of His Craft, Realized Living Example of His Craft otherwise He is no Teacher, but just a Parrot. No One can teach what They did not Master Themselves in Example. One can teach only what They are Living. In Teaching Spirituality One has to be Spiritual Master Enlightened in Realized Example Himself. Yet Everyone is claiming that They are, but You have to Feel for Yourself and Trust Your Heart, for not Everyone who says that They are Enlightened Masters are masters, many just want Slaves. You have to Feel the Vibration in the Heart of every Teacher. You can learn only from a Master, so You can become a Master Yourself. No One can be Relationship Advisor if they do not Live in their own Example in most Happy Relationship. Some want to be Relationship Advisors, but They haven't even been in Relationship themselves. One who Teaches You how to get rid of Karma and release Your False Self cannot be Full of Karma and in False Self Himself, Suffering in Illusions of Lower Dimensions. If One is Teaching Enlightenment, Such Teacher must be Enlightened or He is just another Cheater. And whatever Teacher is Teaching, he must Live in Example Himself. Teacher should never go against His Teaching. In His own Example, for if He does it means nothing. Imagine someone Teaching Veganism and Advising those who want to stop eating Meat, but He himself would eat Meat. One must be Master of His Teaching. One cannot Teach about Attachments as He is Full of Attachments Himself, depending on others and controlling Them, entangles in Karma. One Who is Teaching others how to step in their own Power and claim Their Power back cannot give His Power away to others and should not be taking Power from others. Spiritual Teacher must be a Master of His Craft, Spiritual Master, Realized, Living Example of the Teaching, Word that I AM. Realized Truth, Spiritual State, Consciousness of such Master is the Vibration in every Word that I AM writing and Truth Love within the Word is that Vibration what provides the Assistance to the Heart to open Wider in Love Now and Fly Higher. Words are just Words. Without Truth which is Love, Words are nothing just blank Words, that waste Time of One reading and Teacher is nothing also without being the Word that I AM. Just an Empty Word. Eye give You My Word. If Eye gives You My Word, Eye have to be the Word that IA M from the Heart, or I AM just another Deceiver. But You have to Feel the Word that I AM in Your Heart to Know.

  • Purna Ananda 17.12. 2018 ©


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