To Love the Darkness as Source Loves the Darkness

in #spirituality6 years ago

I AM not a Victim of Darkness. Eye have no Enemies. Eye do not Hate the Darkness. I AM not Angry at the Darkness, but at the Moment of Bad Temper Eye can get if it's in My Face. Eye do not agree with the Ways of the Darkness, Eye do not Support the Ways of the Darkness and in My Way, I AM Working in the DIrection of Love and Light Myself in al the Power that I AM, Eye Love the Darkness as Source Loves the Darkness. SOurce that I AM Neutral. There is no Good or Bad, Polarity of Duality that is Perceived from the Eye of the Source that I AM. Simply just an Experience of that I AM in Separation of Myself,in Forgetfulness, that I AM. In some Cases such Deep Separation, that Source Energy may forget that I AM and Works against the Light and Love that I AM. From the Source Perspective, I AM Working just against Myself that I AM, Learning about the Separation in awkward Direction. Just Curiosity Source that I AM Neutral and Everything is just a Choice and according to to the Choice, Experience is Provided.

Actually Darkness was My Greatest Teacher in My Life, that almost Killed Me, yet it only made Me Stronger and Invincible to Darkness on the End, so may the Source be with Me, that it remains so. Darkness Taught Me so Well in Life, that Eye lost all the Fear of Darkness Eventually and at that Point Eye Realized, that Darkness has no Power. Only our Faith, that Darkness has Power and our Fear gives the Illusion of the Darkness Power over us. But Darkness Provides the School in which Master must defeat His Illusions and Realize that Love is the Power of all Powers as One becomes Love that I AM Himself and no Power has any Power over the Being One with Love that I AM.

Eye do not offer any Protection Tools, but I AM rather Teaching My Friends, that We all are Love that I AM and Love is the Power of all Powers and no Power has any Power in the Presence of Love that I AM. Darkness is Dissolved into Light in the Presence of Love that I AM and has no Power just Feels annoying if it's near Me. You are just as that I AM, We all are Unique and Individual Embodiments of the One that I AM, We are One and We are many, Who are One. We are One Love that I AM and Love is the Power of all the Powers, Darkness is just very annoying and Spartan Teacher until One realizes that It has no Power and loses the Fear and Faith that Darkness has Power and Darkness Unites with the Light and Love that I AM Wins in those who chose to Love that I AM,Yourself and Everyone that I AM, for I AM Everyone that I AM, You.

  • Purna Ananda 7,12, 2018 ©


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