There is no Style. Create Yourself as a Rainbow

in #spirituality6 years ago

Eye do not Believe in Styles. Style means something, that can be Finished, something that is Completed and is always locked in the limited Box of Limitations of the Style, where everything is prescribed and locked in Cage of Rules. Eye Believe in the Rainbow. Rainbow in the Freedom of the Wind. Birds Fly Free in Love Now in the Wind that I AM out of Their True Heart, There is no Style. Style does not exist. Only continuous Growth and Expansion of the Movement of One's Heart is what is.Styles have Rules and are limited in their Limitations. Styles are Prescribed in Their own Style, but Eye Believe in the Freedom of the Rainbow, where Styles are just Colors of the Rainbow. I AM a Rainbow, I AM You. Old Rainbow Child I AM. Do not limit Yourself to a particular Style, but take the Colors, that Dance to Your Heart as Your own from every Color in the Rainbow of Styles. Create Your own Style of no Style, but in ever Expansion of everything, that is Possible. Do as Eye do, become a Rainbow, Create Your own Style out of all the Styles. Style of Your Heart, take whatever You like from everything that is available to You. And I AM speaking about all the Styles, regardless of the nature of the Style. Let it be Excercise that You perform to stay Fit, let it be Yoga, let it be any Sport, let it be Your Meditation, let it be Your Spiritual Practice or regardless whatever in Your Life, even Clothing and Music Style. Create Yourself from the Heart in Love Now as You truly in YOur Authenticity are. Regardless what You do, just take whatever You like from any Style or from anything of whatever You want to do In Life. Create Yourself in Your own Unique Authentic Rainbow. See Spirituality and everything in Life, that You can do as a Supermarket where You can choose whatever Your Heart desires with no Contradictions and please do not See our Multidimensional Reality of Styles as Religion. Break all the Cages, break them Boxes apart and Create Your own Style. Take what You want from whatever You want. Do like Eye do. Fly Freely in the Wind of Freedom of Infinite Possibilities. You are the Bird in the Wind that I AM, Wind that I AM You and Everything that is Blown in the Wind, You can do and is there for You. Be Free as I AM. Rainbow Bird in the Wind singing Your own Love Song.

There is no Rules, Beloved Rainbow Child. There is no Rules. Whatever Feels like Harmony and Joy in Your Heart and Your Love dives Deep into Your own Depths is what You should implement and whatever irritates You, You should Filter out. Whatever takes You in the Moment Now deeply is what You should do and this should be the only Rule, Rule of YOur Authentic Heart. In this Way You sincerely Create Your own Style from the Heart. Eye Created My own Excercise out of Yoga, Martial Art and Fitness, for My Nature is such, Eye require something that makes Me Strong, My Body requires some Powerful Exercises an Eye need Yoga very much also, so Eye can Feel Purrfect. So Eye Created My own Combination and added My own twists, Eye Created My own Style of many Styles but no Style. Listen to Your Body and Your Heart. Never go against Your Heart and Your Body. Never go against Your Divine Nature. follow Your Nature and Create Your own Style. Styles are Prescribed, but You are a Unique Rainbow, Child so Create Your own Unique Rainbow Style according to Your Unique Rainbow Heart. My Meditation is also Unique. Little bit Crazy for sure also if anyone sees it, but Thing is, that there are no Rules. Whatever makes You dive Deep into the Ocean of Your Heart, whatever really Connects You deeply to the Core of the Source that I AM in the Moment Now is exactly what You should do. Eye Purr like a Cat, Dance, Sit Still and Purr, it looks maybe Crazy, but Places Eye go in My Meditation, You must also Experience. Eye Bless You. My Aww.ww. When Eye went on my Spiritual Search to India, Eye dived Deep in many different Spiritual Styles and Religions, so deeply at the Core in so many, just to get that Lovely fact in My Heart on the End underneath al the Different Colors, Love that I AM the Source of all Sources and True Essence of every Spiritual Path and Tradition, behinds the separatist Veil of many Religions Religion, that are just hiding and separating the Truth. Eye found the Rainbow on the End of every Path and Rainbow was One, Rainbow was Love. Eye take what Eye resonate with from everything that Eye come across with an Eye have no Limitations or any Separation. In this way One really finds Himself for You are following Your Heart as You Create Yourself as a Rainbow, following only what really Feels Right to Your own Heart with no Limitations and Separation of others, who do not Know You as You know Yourself in Your Rainbow Heart,

There is no Religion. There is Free Spiritual Supermarket, where We can Freely Relish the Taste of Love behind every Spiritual Style and behind the Stories of all the Traditions. There is only Free Rainbow Supermarket and We can choose what our Heart desires. This is the One and only Rule in our rainbow Supermarket of al the Styles. Free Rainbow Supermarket, where We can take Everything from every Color of the Rainbow what We truly Love in our Heart for ourselves and We Create Ourselves as a Soul. A Rainbow. There is no Limitations. Style is Limitation and Style is Religion, for Style is Completed and Finite, locked in the Box of Limitations. Cage where Birds cannot Fly Freely in Love with the Wind that I AM. Birds born in the Cage think, that Flying is a Disease, yet Bird in Truth can never be trul a Bird if Bird is not Flying in the Wind that I AM so Freely, singing a Love Song. Bird can Know Herself only in the Freedom of the Wind. Unknown Bird is Known in the Freedom of the Wind. Answer is Blown in the Wind and Answer is You, Love.

We have to break the Cage of our Limitations, that are separating us apart and See Everything in Life, let it be Spirituality or anything Beautiful, that We can do as a Rainbow in the Wind. We take for ourselves just that what Feels Lovely and like our own really, resonating in our Vibration to our Heart. Only that what Feels like ourselves to us. Everything else what does not resonate with us, We can filter out and We Create ourselves as a Rainbow, Rainbow of the One that We truly are. Unique and Souvereign, Authentic Manifestation of the One that I AM.Rainbow, that You really, truly are..

We can say, that We are a Lightworker, Star Seed, Indigo Child, Krystaline Child. Blue Ray or whatever Ray. We call ourselves many things and We are separating ourselves from others, We may call ourselves, that We are Pleiadian, Arcturian, Syrian or of any other Star Origin. All these Labels, all these Colors in a Sense are Truly Real, but from the Point of View of our limitless Multidimensional Being are just Obstacles, Limitations and Create Separation between us as they also limit us in the Cage of just One Origin. We are so much Bigger than that. We are the Rainbow. Of Everything that I AM. Yes We have Certain Origins, our Unique Structure of our Being as We were born, We are on Different Levels and We have our Unique Nature. Our Higher Self is Unique. We are Unique Embodiments of Divine Beings on this Earth. Simultaneously and Mutually, We are Unique and Individual, Authentic. Every One of us and inconceivably We are all One in our Highest Self, Source that I AM on the Begining of al Beginnings, that We all are. For there is only One that I AM on the Begining and the One that I AM became so many. You are not just One, You are many, for everyone that I AM is the One that I AM. That I AM You and You are Everyone that I AM and I AM Everyone that I AM. We are One. Do not limit Yourself to One Origin, to One Divine Being that You identify Yourself most, to certain Style, this is just Your Predominant Divine Nature, but You are so much bigger then that, You are a Multidimensional Infinite Being and whatever is in Your Divine Multidimensional Nature possible for You, You can achieve if Your Heart desires. You are Everyone that I AM and everything that I AM is possible for you. That I AM You. You are a Unique, Sovereign, Individual and Authentic Version of the Source that I AM. Source of al Sources in Your Unique Authentic Form. Your Unique Rainbow that I AM, Source that I AM, Your first Origin, That I AM You. Origin of every One of us that I AM, in our Highest Self, We all are the Source that I AM, We al are One that I AM, Source of all Sources on the Begining of all Beginnings, there was only I AM and that I AM You. We all are the Rainbow, And We are One Rainbow. We all are the Love that I AM behind all the Colors, that Separate us. We are Love and Love Unites al the Colors of the rainbow from the Heart. Mutualy, We are Unique and Individual, Separated in many, Authentic but inconceivably to 3D Mind, We are all One that I AM in our Highest Truest Self, that I AM You. I AM that I AM and that I AM You.

There is no such Thing as Style. We should never limit ourselves to any Style. We may have predominant Natures or type of Work. May We never say, that We are just Teachers, just Healers, just Artists, Writers, Readers, Advisors: Let us please not limit ourselves in Box of Limitations, for We all are so much Bigger then any Box. I AM everything that Eye listed an Eye developed My own Style in everything what Eye do according to Divine Nature of My own Authentic Rainbow Heart. Do as Eye do. Create Yourself as a Unique Rainbow Child from the heart as Your Heart desires, Create a Master that You are. Unique and Sovereign Version of the One that I AM. Be Yourself. Every One of us. You are not just One Type of Divine Worker of Love on this Earth. Do not limit Yourself to just One Field of what You can do. Whatever feels like Joy to Your Heart, develop it and You are to Master it. Do not Limit Yourself as just One thing, that You do. Do not identify Yourself which such limitation. What You do does not Define You You and is not only Thing You can do. Source has so many Divine Gifts for You in store in Your own Multidimensional Divine Nature. Follow Your True Heart Sincerely and Create Yourself as a Rainbow. Eye do many Things, not just one, but I AM Purna. I AM Myself, I AM Unique, Sovereign Authentic rainbow Child and I AM a Multidimensional Being, that You are. I AM just being Myself. You are a Multidimensional Master taht I AM.

Create Yourself as a Rainbow that You truly are from YOur Unique Authentic Heart. Let us See al the Styles in the World as a Free Supermarket, where everything is mixed together in True Love. Let Styles, our Colors no more Separate us, like Religions, but let us Unite as One Rainbow of Lovers from the One Rainbow Heart and let us take from all our Colors of our Rainbow Styles just that what each and every One of us Loves freely as We filter out whatever does not resonate with us and every One of us Creates Himself as a Unique, Sovereign, Individual, Authentic Rainbow Child from the Heart, so in Freedom of Being Freely the Child that We, Rainbow Bird in the Wind of Freedom, that every One of us in Reality is and our Rainbow of Humanity can Unite as One Rainbow Heart in every Chest of every Human in One Love and We all can be One, From the One Rainbow Heart, where that I AM in Love as One Love that I AM in every Chest. That I AM You. All the Colors that were Separated before in Time, Colors that separated us and have locked us in Boxes and Cages may inLove Now become One Beautiful Rainbow in One Love. One Dazzling Rainbow on the Morning Sky of New Earth, where Everyone is Unique Rainbow Themself Rainbow that I AM and We all are One Rainbow of Lovers, who Love Autenticly and Free as every Rainbow Heart desires sincerely in the Freedom of the Wind, Morning Sun is Rising and Children are Playing in Joy of the Moment of Creation of Everything Beautiful what is possible. In Love Now from the Rainbow Heart.

  • Purna Ananda 8.12. 2018 ©


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