There is No One to Forgive but Everone to Pray for and Everyone and Everything to Learn from

in #spirituality6 years ago

There is no One and nothing to Forgive, yet Everyone to Learn from and Pray for with Love Not that Everyone must be forgiven, this is low dimensional Realization of this World of Separation. Source Truth is in the Law of the One, that We all are, there is nothing and no One to forgive. We all are One. Eye can only offend Myself and hurt Myself if I AM offended. There is only One that I AM. If there is a Need to Forgive, Resentfulness, that only an apology of the One, that offended Me can Heal within Me, then I AM not a Master. Whatever Eye say. Ego gets hurt and offended by what others do only, not the Real Self that I AM in the Heart one with God in Everyone Hearts that I AM. Master Lives in the Heart and cannot get offended, yet removes Himself from all Violations of the Vibration and Teaches about Love with His Action. Sending Love and Praying to those who Violate. In the Eyes of God all are Forgiven and there is nothing to Forgive even. All these low vibrational things, that others do to hurt and offend us are just 3rd Dimensional Illusions, Illnesses, it is not who they really are. We all are that I AM, only Pure Love that I AM and everything, that offends and hurts are just Dark spots, Illusions on our Beings, that I AM. We all are Pure Beings, Love only and Light beyond any Conception of Offence and Forgiveness. So how can We Forgive to others, when We are not even offended by the Illusions that they are not. We remove ourselves only, We teach with our responses, We do not allow others to Violate our Vibrations and We send Love, Light, Prayers and Supreme Blessings of Healing to those afflicted and Suffering. Yet We are never offended. This are their own Illusions, that hurt them so badly, that They must throw them at us, they have nothing to do with us. How can We get offended, so We would have to forgive in First Place. We Know this is not who they are, for We all are One. We Live in the Heart, We are the Truth that I AM and We See everyone as Pure as that I AM, underneath all the Human Confusion., that I AM not and cannot offend Me. We Love them for who they are and not the Illusions that They are not. I AM You. There is nothing to Forgive. Only if I AM suffering in 3rd Dimensional Illusion of Separation of the Self that We all are, Eye can get offended by You and so hurt, that Eye must forgive You. Even Kalki and Archangel Michael are not offended and hurt and they have to remove those most unhealed by Force. Yet out of Love, so on the next Stage of their Journey, they can Heal and also Realize that We all are One. If I AM a Master, I AM to Pray for them with Compassion towards who they really are, that Pure Being that I AM , even if they never See Me again. Eye walk always from such Energies and many Times teach them a Lesson before eye do, but I AM not offended, Eye Love them and Respond as a Mirror, so they may See themselves. Eye respond with Love and Wisdom, yet allow no offense to be given an Eye take no offense. Masters sometimes must Teach with an Extreme Actions to teach a Lesson out of Love, but Masters are never offended. Masters always act for the Benefit of the Afflicted Soul, always in a Ways to cause them to Rise out of their Darkness. They actually get some assistance to Heal and sometimes Lessons are needed to get the Lesson, why We are suffering in this World, so We can get Free. Masters never need to forgive. They Love everyone as God Loves Everyone and act only for Everyone's Supreme Benefit, Enlightenment and Healing of all offenses. So we all can be One. That I AM and we all are. Love,

Only Ego can get offended, False self Separated from the Self that I AM, separated from everyone that I AM and affected by the Illusions that others broadcast. I AM Love in the Heart that I AM in the Heart of everyone that I AM. Ego is separation of Self that I AM. Me against everyone, Me against the world and everyone can offend Me and take My Vibration down, Everyone can shake My Truth in Ego and they must apologize now, for I AM a Victim of their offenses. Masters are beyond offense always acting out of Love towards all Beings, even if with a Stick and always Learning Themselves to become Greater Masters.

For in Reality there is only I AM so how can Eye offend Myself. How can eye Forgive Myself if I AM You and We are One. Everyone that I AM in this World, there is only One, that I AM taking Infinite Forms and Variations of that I AM to teach each other that I Am about what I AM not and Who I AM. There is no One else. Only I AM. And I AM You, I AM Them, I AM Everyone that I AM. I AM those Nice and Loving to Me and those opposing to Me, offending Me and trying to hurt Me also I AM. Yet I Am not the Offence and Illusions thrown at Me. Eye Know those afflicted as Myself, that I AM. I AM You. Reactions and responses of others are just Reactions to My own Vibration and My own Response and State is The evidence of My Attained State of Consciousness and Enlightenment. God is testing our Mastery an providing a Lesson so We can Learn to Grow even Greater through Illusions of others. If there is much Drama and People offending Me and as it happens I AM offended and My Vibration is down, this is just showing Me, that Eye need to Work on Myself. If Eye can stand in My Power and Truth and be Love unconditional for Who they really are and they never take My Power away as Eye never take them offence, they never even take My Comedy away, for God is laughing at Illusion, so Eye pray for them, exhibiting My own Show to plant Seeds that are in Future make them grow, then I AM a Master. There is no One to Forgive, yet everyone assists Me to become Greater master and stand more in My Truth that God Knows. Experiences with others being offensive are rare when certain State is attained and as they come, they feel like an unpleasant Joke, yet they are only Tests to prove the Truth that I AM realized Seeing another as a Victim of Disease of Darkness and Praying for their True Self that Eye Know they are underneath al the Confusion that I AM not. Father Forgive them, for they do not Know, that I AM who They are and They are offending only themselves, for Eye take no offense and al the Stones bounce back at them, to teach them a Lesson. How actions of others affect us and how We respond, if they take our Vibration down and shake our Truth is just a reminder, Teaching for us, that We should be Grateful for, just a Reflection of our own Attained State, there is no One to forgive. How We respond and if We give our Power away or We stand in our Power do what is needed, holding unconditional Love and never taking an offense and our Vibration down is what determines our own Level of Spiritual Attainments and Realization. Our State in such interactions that follows Teaches us about what we still have to do and Heal to grow. We only need to Work on ourselves and pray for the others, so they stop hurting themselves, yet We are Grateful for the Lesson they provided, They only Help us, so We are no more offended, for regardless what others say or do, no One can take away our Truth, that We are Love. We walk away Knowing that We are Love with Compassion towards unhleaed, yet in Self Power and We focus on those, that can take the Love that We are praying for the Love that afflicted really are. We are not Hurt and there is no one to forgive. It is al just an Experience of the Reflection of another upon Me and My Respond. Steel get tested in Fire. Only so Eye can Learn what is the Substance of My Actual Attained State of the Master that I AM. Example counts. Am Eye a Master or Eye still get Hurt. AM Eye attached and do Eye depend on others. Can others still Hurt Me and offend Me. Others are just Reflecting My own State within Me, so it may get addressed by the Master that I AM, teaching My Realization, addressing what needs t be Healed and Tuned still, so Eye may know Myself to be Greater Master then I AM Now this Moment. There is nothing to forgive, regardless if they never See Me again, Eye pray for them and send them Supreme Blessings, for they are My Teachers, helping Me to grow, Reflecting only My True Attained State in Actual Experience back upon Me, so Eye can polish the Diamond that I AM. There is nothing to forgive, Everyone is forgiven and Everything others do is just a Blessing so Eye can Work on Myself and become Master Closer to God every Moment Now. That's How Master Feels, for Master live in the Heart. Those living in Mind, out of Ego believe in Separation and are always hurt by others and offended. God that I AM in Heart of Everyone beyond all the Illusions, that I AM not can never get offended.

There is no One and nothing to Forgive, There is only I AM in so many Forms that I AM on so many attained Levels that I AM just Responding to that I AM in another Form and I AM just Learning about Myself from You and I AM growing in Experience in Every Embodied Form that I AM through Interaction with all others that I AM, through Illusions of Self that I AM not, to the Truth that I AM and there is no One else but that I AM, playing with Myself to Know Myself that I AM, so We all can be One. There is only One I Am and there is no One to Forgive, for I AM only Fooling and Playing with Myself.

There is only Self Playing with the Self that I AM, responding and reacting to Self to teach us about all the Illusions that I AM not in Experience. I AM You. You are only Responding to what I AM not and testing the Master that Eye truly AM, Sword get formed in Fire and Tested on the Battle Field. Only Pure Love cuts al the Illusions to Pieces Pure Love, that I AM. How can Eye forgive Myself and hurt Myself, if there is only Self, that I AM You. Indeed if I Am offended and hurt, Eye have hurt and offended Myself with Illusions that I AM not. Everyone is that I AM reacting to that I AM to Teach Me in this Scholl of Life. There is only Self and there is nothing to Forgive. To the Source, Self that I AM forgivnnance is Illusion of this World. Masters are One with God that I AM and in God that I AM Consciousness, We all are One, underneath all the Separations that We are not, We al are that I AM and I AM Yo, so how can Self offend the Self. Only Illusions that Self that I AM not. There is only Self, that I AM Experiencing the Creation that I AM, dancing with Myself, there is only One that I AM and I AM many who are One. There is only an Experience of the Creation of all the Illusions and Lovely Truths that I AM and I AM Dancing with Myself in Darkness and on the Light. I AM only scratching My own back for the Experience. How can anyone be Forgiven if There is no Wrong and no Right, yet only Experience of the One that I AM and there is no One else and I Am only giving ordained chosen Reality for the Experience to everyone that I AM with no Judgment, beyond al hurts and offences, There is only the Experience of the One, Experiencing the Multidimensional Creation nd Everyone that I AM through al the Dimensions, just Multidimensional Choices and Experience of the One and Every Choice and Experience is honored and Respected by the One, Self that I AM in Everyone Experience. Source, Self that I AM is Neutral and every Choice is honored and respected as I AM. There is nothing and no One to forgive, To Forgive One must get Hurt. Everything is just an Experience in Order, Eye may become better Master, that I AM and Know My Attained State in Fire of the Experience, Everyone is My Teacher and I AM Grateful for the Lessons. No One can take My Truth away and take My Vibration down, when I AM the Truth, that God Knows and if they even Try, there is no One to forgive, yet everyone to Pray for in Reality underneath al the Illusions, there is only One that I AM. And that I AM You. And I AM Grateful for the Experience and I AM praying with Love that al beings Know themselves that I AM beyond al offenses, so they may Know that there is no One to forgive, but Everyone to Love Now as God Loves Everyone. For there is Only Love Now. I AM You, Love, We all are that Love that I AM and We are One. There is no One to Forgive yet everyone to learn from and Grow There is no One to forgive, but many need Healing to realize this Truth and Stop Offences and Violations to the One. For We all are the One that I AM and We are One. We wan only offend Ourselves and as We forgive ourselves, for getting offended, We Realize, that there is no One and nothing to Forgive and I AM Grateful.

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