Be Grateful for Everything and only Good Things are to come to You.

in #spirituality6 years ago

I AM Grateful for this Apartment. Eye have Roof above My Head. Many are Homeless. I AM Grateful for this Wealth. I AM Grateful for My Cloths and Shoes. Eye receive Best Cloths for Free from unexpected Sources. But Cloths Eye do not need, Eye always give to Poor. I AM Grateful for Giving and Receiving. In giving We receive. I AM Grateful for Fire Wood, so this Winter is to be Warm. I AM Grateful for My Phone, My Laptop, My Web Camera and Microphone, so Eye can Work every Day. I AM Grateful for You who listen. I AM Grateful for You, for You can Receive, what I AM giving. Eye Love to give an Eye Love to receive. So Eye try to give as much as My Heart can. Most of all I AM Grateful for Enlightenment and Mastery. I AM Grateful for My Power. I AM Grateful that I AM Grateful. I AM Grateful that I AM Alive after such Life, Eye went through. Many did not come through and I AM Grateful. I AM Grateful for everything Eye receive. I AM so Grateful for every Donation, Eye receive, so Eye can Work and Maintain this Body. At least Eye can Eat like a Royalty. Eye invest only in My Work and Food. So many existential Things are still missing in My Life, but I AM Grateful for Them also, for in this Way, They are to come to Me. In Gratitude only. I AM Grateful for Gratitude that I AM. IA M Grateful for You, who is reading this.

So many have Big Houses. They have Cars. They have the Best Things in Material Life and Their Living is Secured. They have many Things, Eye do not have and wish to have, yet They are not Grateful. They have no Gratitude, but Eye Hope to get this Things and I AM Grateful, They have so many Things in Abundance, but Eye have Gratitude and My Royal Heart and I AM Grateful. Eye have Diamond Treasures in My Heart, They do not have this, so They are not Grateful. I AM never to be born again in this World against My Will and I AM so Grateful. Actually, Eye have Greatest Wealth possible in this Life, Enlightenment and I AM so Grateful. I AM so Grateful, that Eye just Know in Gratitude Now, I AM Sure that all Good Things are to come to Me, just because I AM Grateful. Eye give You My Word.

Be Grateful for Everything and all Good Things are to come to You. Eye give You My Word and I AM Grateful for You too. I AM Grateful, that I AM Love Myself and I AM Grateful, that You Love Me as I AM.

  • Purna Ananda 17.10. 2018 ©

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