Spirit Animal - the Crow

I've been told we all have multiple spirit animals. I'm not sure what mine are entirely, but I know that a crow shows up whenever my thoughts are aligned with my actions in terms of my inner truth.

This guy was squawking away at me this morning. Most of the time their message to me is pretty simple, like "hey dude, you're on the right path".


I recall a drive in my car when I was questioning the crow's involvement in my spiritual development. A crow appeared in the corner of my eye. I said in my head "OK, there's a crow. So what, it doesn't mean anything, it's just a crow". I heard a voice in my minds eye say "oh yeah, watch this". The crow then turned around, looked at me while I was driving, changed direction and flew straight in front of my windscreen. I said "righto, you've made your point!"

Since then I've made the connection when I see a crow to reflect on what thoughts are in my mind at that point in time. When the crows appear for me, they're usually asking me to be mindful of what's going on with my thoughts at that point in time.


This morning I was pondering being more open, and allowing people into my life. I was thinking about giving more freely, sharing love openly with the world, but being grounded enough within myself to not expect anything in return. I was also thinking about the cycle of giving and receiving, and that I also deserve to receive, otherwise I do myself a disservice. I need to receive in order to give and serve others more fully.

So I don't know how this happens, I've learnt not to question but appreciate the little qwerks in this glorious experience we call life.




what a lovely post ! full with great message and positivity and reflection <3


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