Be a Human - Not a Bot

in #spirituality7 years ago

Don't be a bot
Turn off the noise
Listen to the still small voice
It comes from a place, too deep for words
Beyond the binary bullshit
In the groove between the intervals
Beyond the waves is, stillness
Beyond belief, knowing
Souls converge, decide
There is only what is
Natural, Universal law
All else is deception
Reject it. . .
Seek the lost ones
Express the unique nature of you
That is your only power
But don't despair
The Universe needs you
I need you
Be you and change the universe with me


No bots!

Thanks for stopping by! Ima brand spanking newbie. Any advice around what to focus on in terms or interacting with the community? I'm not a techie so many of the ideas here are new. Thanks.

Thank you for being here!

In steemit it doesn't work, I tried to not deal with bots but I understand that everything is automated in our life and have to be close to those bots to not lose the connection with the modern life.

Not always thinking like human is good, sometimes you have to deal with something with no sentiments and be logical and realistic.

:) I'm not against the technology at all. It just seems to me some of us are being programmed by our creations. If I understand how it works they learn from us and then shape things accordingly. All I am suggesting is that we be intentionally human. Thank you for being here

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