Are YOU your very Own THOUGHTS?! Who or WHAT is presently Reading This Title?!

in #spirituality6 years ago

“I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


Pssst, Listen...can you hear that? There, it just happened again! Did you notice? These words over here on this screen have a secret and magical quality to them. Well, it's no secret really, but we love to hide things in plain sight so we can celebrate discovering and finding them over and over again. You see; we have been trained/programmed to visually recognize these darkened symbols on a lighter background we call 'words' and then turn those symbols into an audible representation within ourselves. This is an amazing strategy for sharing information and utilized by every literate human being BUT, through repetition, we have learned to forget that, haven't we? To have maximum efficiency, we have to forget the process and concentrate on the meaning that process provides.

Perhaps words are like a collection of different 'spellings' or SPELLS, to be wielded for magical effect by both those aware and sometimes not.

Appearing as many different roles over the years, I think one of the most enjoyable was (and still is) to help guide many people through their own crisis period in their lives they call 'awakening' experiences. They may have a spontaneous realization that they are not their thoughts or may feel 'removed' from normal day~to~day experience. Of course, we do this naturally when we sleep, and the movie projected dream becomes our whole being for a while...then we awaken again...and again...and again, etc. The analogy of a TV screen can prove very beneficial in explaining such a common occurrence.

For example: Is the TV screen, the actual programme being shown? After all the explosive sounds and vibrant colours fade from the screen (the drama/story has finished) all that is left will be the screen. The screen's neutrality allows or is required, in order for the display to appear to be real...for a while. The screen has no choice what is broadcast through it, but 'plays' the role and differing parts to the best of it's ability to momentarily trick the viewer into believing a projection is real. And if there are very good actors in the screening then, it's their job to convince us, for a while, that it is real.

If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

So back to the original question; Who Are You? Well, my favourite answer is usually, "Whatever the universe is doing this instant." Or perhaps the answer is beyond any one explanation and something to experience personally. But the question has, and still does remain at the core of what it is to actually be. The very fact that you are is sufficient but is usually added to, as in; you are tall, you are sitting, you are reading etc. We use language in a way that splits us into observer and observed, viewer and viewed, experiencer and experienced, BUT the simple and often forgotten truth is; all of that happens within a constant and unending singularity which allows, like the screen earlier, all of this to actualize.

The one or singular moment which has been described by sages as everywhere and nowhere, everything and who you are and have always been. All of it, every last drop of essence right here, and here, and funnily enough, here, has never been anywhere else. The entirety of all that is has been hoodwinked into thinking and associating with that thinking! It's absolutely genius when you recognize this so called 'flaw' in consciousness which is also a constant invitation to awaken to that!

This apparent 'flaw' of splitting one into two with language, is also a wonderful gift in disguise, because the seeing or awareness of that doorway, can be recognized as simply never closed. And this 'door' is something which, as mentioned earlier, certain people seem to tumble through and rest there, while others scurry back to what it is they can 'know' and 'control'. I seem to fulfill the role of being a guide for these people and enjoy watching and sharing what it is I think I may know regarding this subject. After all, "The door," I sometimes say, "is a revolving door...and we can come and go when we please."

Remember, it’s your own body, your own brain. You’re not a victim of the universe, you are the universe.
Dr. R. Bandler

I'm constantly amazed at the way the whole universe seems to be exactly what I may be doing at any one time. Whether I'm completely lost in the story or drama unfolding on the 'screen' or I'm resting in the wholeness and neutrality beyond the 'play'. Either way, it is already what is happening in its own unlimited and open way, which, at the moment appears to be a poster, posting what is posted on a site called Steemit.

The potential and capacity for this site, with all its appearances of the one, and its sharing within itself through this medium, may serve as a doorway back into its own awakening into infinite possibilities and shared values using spells we call words.

I can't even begin to tell you how much potential this site has for the future and look forward to, and encourage any comments regarding any similar thoughts or experiences by you, the dear reader.

All the best to you,


Here are some of my most recent eyeball soothing posts which you may or may not find irresistibly and outrageously enjoyable towards your further enlightenment...

All images sourced from


who am i ? it is a biggest question forever.But for a religious minded person it is very common thing as they think themselves as a soul .a omnipotent conscient entity sitting straight within the forehead just below the brain ,in the hypothalamus and from their controlling this body like a driver controls his car.

Hey, yes it is different things and concepts for different people. My blog post was an attempt to go beyond that and more towards an immediate and simple sense of felt actuality.

All the best,


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