SPIRIT TALK #2| "Who am I?"

in #spirituality7 years ago


Who am I? Am I the body? Am the thoughts? Am I the emotions? Am I the energy that makes them work together? Am I the breath? I am none of them neither you.

Whatever you see can be doubted. Whatever is visible is under constant change because YOU observe it. Whatever is invisible though, it is invisible for the following reason: It is beyond any doubt. It will always be there and you will never be able to know it. The true YOU is invisible, that's why you cant know your self, you can only feel your self, BE your self.

I am that I am. What is my nature I cannot tell only my thoughts, emotions, energy and body can dissolve in my nature wich is love unconditional love. Love unites because it merges all duality. Balancing the four elements. Thoughts (air) emotions (water) body (earth) will-sexual energy-creative power(fire) will lead to the final element gold. Love. You will indeed have transmute lead to gold. You will have discover God. The source of creation. You will indeed have discovered that you are invincible. But this process is a destructive process. The old you will die and the change will be pain full. Only few will rise. Only phonies don't get enlightened. Be honest with your selves and just ask who am I?.

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