How does God Talks to Us Today?

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

Some 20 years ago, while driving on the Federal Highway, I asked God if I should take on the challenging project - a World Conference to be held in Malaysia for the first time. Though we won the bid but I was hesitant. It's a two year project. Then the words - Just Do It - jumped out at me from the Nike billboard and repeated in my head all the way home. I took it as an answer from God and plunged into the project headon without a second thought.

Never regretted the decision. It took me and and my company RAYMA to the next level. So there, God does speaks to us, only if we tune in to listen and literally walk the talk.

Of course, being human, it takes courage to "walk by faith and not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7). There is no compulsion to do what you "heard" as the final decision is always yours to make. 

However, if you take that first step to follow the "voice" no matter how much self-doubt and fear screaming in your head, made worse by friends with good intentions and your best interest at heart...

In faith, take that first step and the next and the next walking across the tightrope where you can't see the bottom coupled with no net to catch you should you fall... you will discover and experience the exhilaration and awe Nothing's Impossible with God by yourside when you safely reach the end of the tightrope back on solid ground.

Stay tuned. More stories later. Meantime...

Below are some excerpts stitched together and composed in poem format (by yours truly me) from the book
Conversations with God (Book 1) by Neale Donald Walsch...


I talk to everyone. All the time.
The question is not to whom do I talk,
but who listens.

All people are special
and all moments are golden.
There is no person, there is no time
one more special than another.

I invite you to a new form
of communication with Me
A two way communication
In truth, it is you who invited Me
For I've come to you in this form
right now, in answer to your call.

This is far from My only tool.
You may ask a question and put this down
but watch, listen...

The words to the next song you hear
The information in the next article you read
The storyline of the next movie you watch
The chance utterance of the next person you meet

Or the whisper of the next river,
the next ocean, the next breeze
that caresses your ear
I will speak to you, if you will listen.

Let all those who have ears to hear, listen...
For I tell you this:
At the critcal juncture in all human relationships,
there is only one question:
What would Love do now?

No other question is relevant.
No other question is meaningful.
No other question has any importance to your soul.
What would Love do now.

The highest thought...
Is always that thought which contains joy

The clearest words...
Are those words which contain truth.

The grandest feeling...
Is that feeling which you call love.

Joy. Truth. Love.

You, now a Disciple, is such a messenger.
Keep on deciding what you want to become
in the next highest version of yourself...
Keep on working toward that.

Keep on. Keep going.
This is God work we're up to, you and I...
So keep going. So keep steeming. Steem on!

Pat Lu
Co-Founder, Malaysian Catholic Christians
–Let all that you do be done in love – 1 Cor 16:14


Great sharing Pat... may you achieve success in everything you do.... and yes.. i sincerely believe God is always with us as long as we listen.... all the best. Take care.

Great sharing Pat. Very inspiring and heartening to know that you are being guided by God.

Lovely write up pat. Thanks for sharing what you believe in...

@PatLu.. Inspiring and rightly the time because I too got a call from Him. My prayer was to use me powerfully and this time He took my call (ha...ha...ha...).. Keep the inspiration going. We need a little boost when our faith is down..

Agree @patlu, when you look deeper and have that sense around you, God does speaks to you in so many forms and ways. Am Glad to meet al the amazing ladies ea in the Steemit Bootcamp! Cheers!

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