
  • Waiting is not passive
  • Waiting is not standing still
  • Waiting is not inactive
  • Wait is not a 4 letter word

Learning to wait rather than rushing into situations that don't serve us, working hard for what we deserve and desire, having patience and trusting in our process is part of being a grown up (conscious woman).

I've done a lot of work and reflection around waiting and patience. We live in an entitled society that doesn't want to work or wait for anything. I believe we're missing a huge opportunity for growth if we refuse the waiting process. Waiting can be powerful, waiting can we exciting, waiting can be a space for exploration and expansion.

We can wait for what we deserve and desire in relationship AND enjoy everyday of this beautiful life we were given. Waiting doesn't have to be passive.

My truth was (and is) that I was prepared to WAIT forever if that's how long it took to attract in what I deserved and desired. (Even though it was hard )


Hey@paragnostandrea! I love the movement. Yes waiting to be guided is the only way to an abundant life, the journey is treacherous but with patience, we get the life we need for our peace of mind. Peace.

Thank you and i following you :)

Good post.photograph is beautiful. I support you. Many thanks

thank you

Yes, waiting is the ability to be patient with good attitude during the process. Our Ego is short-sighted: how can I get personal benefit in the quickest way? So we are constantly chasing quick satisfaction, yet true Happiness increases as our ability to wait increases, for it is here that we learn to detach from outcome and find the Perfection in and of each moment. :)

Very wise words. Great post

There is a saying, that the hardest thing is to wait and catch up. Waiting is often really hard, but you're right, waiting is not Lord to be passive. You need to have patience and it will reward

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