We're Born into A Spiritual Prison

Compromising on the Truth leads to more and more spiritual error… Eventually we don't know what has happened to us. Like a lobster placed in lukewarm water that eventually gets hotter and hotter, we start to get cooked in the falsehoods we willingly accept. We end up LIKING the doctrines of demons which makes us vulnerable to daily domination by spirits of fear, confusion and worse.

Accepting more and more falsehoods corrupts our conscience until eventually it stops working. The devil/ Lucifer/ Satan says "this isn't so bad", "this is actually good!" and so on …

Remember, the serpent sold "Truth" to Eve after all.

‪> And the serpent said unto the woman, "Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened‬, and they knew that they were naked… (Genesis 3:4-7)

With FULL awareness of our own good/evil comes shame at our pride in thinking we could ever be "as God" without God Himself.

In our present blinkered existence, our body/soul nature WANTS to remain in our (often hidden) pride and in the lukewarm water of living for our body/soul. Most of us end up accepting the Godless spiritual prison we are born into due to this pride. Our limited intellect, at its root, still thinks we can be "as gods", some of us even accepting false gods to enable us to keep our pride. This is why we keep compromising in our lives, even though Hell might be real and we could end up going there.

The fallen spiritual world and demonic beings often use GOOD to perpetuate evil and everyone, including Christians, ACCEPTS it because on some level, we ALL prefer sticking to our day-to-day compromise of the full Truth.

Without a personal relationship with our Creator and walking WITH Him in the Holy Spirit and Truth, we only have our our intellect, feelings, experience etc. to rely on… ALL these faculties are easily manipulated into falsehoods. Even if the Truth is right in front of our noses, we wouldn't be able to see it because we allow ourselves to be wrapped around the devil's little finger.

Every person's conscience has been affected by living in a fallen world. Every human is a liar and every human sins -- except the Word of God-made-flesh -- Jesus Christ.

God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit don't want followers or slaves. Jesus and his disciples never condoned remaining spiritually stagnant, ignorant or naive --- God wants us to WAKE UP to the wiles of the devil, put on Godly spiritual armour and be victorious.

God's children have been redeemed by His blood and made co-heirs with Jesus Christ. A victorious life with God isn't possible without being born again, renewed in the Holy Spirit and CONSISTENTLY shaking off that which is false and unGodly in OUR current life.

If you're struggling spiritually with something or are a troubled Christian and would like to talk, I offer my time freely to help others in their own walk with/to Christ. Send me a message through the contact form at www.nadinemenezes.com and we can schedule a conversation.


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