The Spirit Realm

There is a lot in the spiritual world that we do not know of. We are in a spiritual darkness in our fallen state but we will know a lot more after resurrection (if we're saved).

Any beings that are in contact with humans are going against God, unless they come by God's command (super rare). I find that most humans (i.e. more than 95%) just do not have the discernment to know between the "good" and "bad" kind of any spiritual being.

If any being:

  1. Does not glorify Jesus Christ as being The Son of God who died for our sins OR
  2. Takes up your time OR
  3. Wants / accepts to teach you things OR
  4. Asks you to pray to them or do certain practices (meditations/ energy work/ repetitive prayers etc) OR
  5. Says they're your angel, spirit guide, helper who wants to help you heal or live your mission etc OR
  6. Says they're from another planet/star system/galaxy or an ascended being of some sort. OR
  7. Says or presents themselves as a ghost.

--- Then they are going AGAINST God.

Remember, there is a good-cop/bad cop routine played by the demonic world and fallen angels. Part of the good-cop routine is to distract you from saving your soul or living your GOD-ordained purpose (to help other souls being saved). "Spiritual" people are highly at risk especially and have specific vulnerabilities.

Humanity is on a strict time frame and all humans have limited time. Turn your eyes towards God/Jesus/Holy Spirit only. This is especially important to heed at this point in history.

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