God is a Woman?

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

So… currently there is a song in the charts referring to God as a woman.

Here are the song's stats on youtube:
#2 trending
17,029,444 views to date
129,927 dislikes

Prior to my experiences last year, I might have liked this song and even agreed to it. Now I am spiritually repulsed and disgusted. In this song, the artist, Ariana Grande, seductively and lustfully "sings* about viewers taking her hands and saving their souls.

I believe that how we energetically, spiritually and morally react to something points to the state of our soul. For example, if we are going through decontamination, in order to work on some sensitive technology say, we do not want to get a speck of dirt or dust on us. Likewise, if we are 100% pure, we would not want to stay in the vicinity of anything that is spiritual filth -- except for some purpose. God does not tolerate Satan's presence in Heaven. In the book of Job, the latter is summoned to God for a reason.

So, back to the song where Grande pushes and "lovingly" sells the "God is a woman" agenda --

When I encountered God last year - HE sounded like a HE. When I had the Baptism of the Spirit, there was NO chance whatsoever I could confuse my creator or the Holy Spirit for a woman. It was obvious to me God is "Our Father who art in Heaven".

He wasn't us.
He wasn't the universe, oneness, consciousness or energy.
He is sentient, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. He is the Creator. With a capital C.



It makes my heart sink when people brazenly do something that is tantamount to repeatedly slapping the face of the one who sustains us in each moment in unconditional, pure love.

Artists, do you realise that by mocking God in this way you are sticking the knife in to the Creator of the UNIVERSE again and again?? Have you heard of the size of the universe recently?

Sell-out artists and their fans are sticking the knife into the one who already gave His life up for us to save us. He is NOT going to do it again.

What would YOU do if someone stuck the knife into you again and again??

The Messiah, Jesus Christ, is still being despised and rejected as originally prophesized-- this time by the gentiles. He will NOT come as a meek lamb next time.

We have been warned that there is an endpoint to our fallen nature.

Songs like this are part of the occultic brainwashing that has been prevalent in mass entertainment and media from the 1960s. We do not have a "religion free" media. Due to lack of knowledge, humanity's subconscious and growing minds are being fed the religion of luciferianism. First it was a covert drip-drip of seemingly harmless, even noble, ideas; now it is overt to the point of being NORMAL. Seeing something without any symbolism glorifying fallen angels is the exception, rather than the norm. As it stands now, the majority of people are, by the nature of their soul/spirit, accepting Satanic propaganda. The followers of the god of this fallen world have perfected this propaganda over the millenia.

Unless we sincerely and consistently seek to discover the Truth we won't find it. It is far easier to find things to satisfy our ego and soul -- which by default is devoid of the Spirit of God.

We are not saved by doing good works, joining secret societies, building wealth or following mystical techniques/knowledge.

A loving God who adores humanity and wants to save us is continuously giving us the way out of death and hell.

Sadly, MOST won't take it. Especially artists who pursue temporary wealth and fame at the cost of their soul.

If we cannot overcome the pitfalls of fallen society, despite God's guidance, love and salvation, we only have ourselves to blame.

Meanwhile, those who are drawn to Truth need to be vigilant and beware the wolves in sheep's clothing.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15

All content on this account is my own unless otherwise credited.



Putting in crumbs of truth -- music producers knowing what they're doing.

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God is spirit and not a physical being. God refers to himself as a father.

Masquerading and selling religious/spiritual ideologies as female "empowerment".

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Mocking those who react "badly" to these ideologies: screeching groundhogs in the desert. What's the game-programmed impulse when you see irritating, screeching groundhogs poking their head from the ground? Whack them.

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