Being Open to God's Inspiration

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

God works in our life since our creation. As I look back, there have been countless times, without knowing Him or committing to any faith, that I've called out to Him and He answered -- in spite that, paradoxically, still I did not believe in Him.

One example of this was some 16 years ago. In deep emotional pain, I asked God if I'd ever have something I'd never experienced before -- that same night I had a dream of receiving it. This dream that touched me deeply and I later forgot about it. Little did I know at the time but that dream was an EXACT vision of a future time which came true a couple of years after.

Another time, I had an dream of a troubling, novel situation. This dream, like the one above, had the most random details and nothing do to with what was happening in my life then. Just the fact of having this dream and dealing with the fears it brought up in me helped me cope when the exact situation happened a few years later.

Hearing from God

God wants to help us and be with us every step of the way. Imagine the greatest most loving Father possible who also gives tough love (only when needed!) -- that's Him.

If we want to hear from God, we need to be open to hearing from Him at ANY time, as if being ready to pick up and answer a call from Him. Vice versa, God wants to hear from us too -- all the time, even.

I've learned it's better to talk to God and get on with life, whilst being open to Him. It is unwise to waste time answering or making calls to lesser sources such as horoscopes, psychics, angels and so on. This is because:

  • Only God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. God knows everything about us, our most secret thoughts and deepest desires.
  • Contradicting and confusing messages from other sources will only cause confusion, static and interference.
  • God does not like it!

Characteristics of God's Inspiration

I've found these are the qualities of God's inspiration. His guidance:

  • Is always clear and never confusing. It doesn't leave room for doubt. We either get it, fight it or dismiss it entirely. It isn't like reading a horoscope which could apply to anyone or mean anything.
  • Is personal to us and our lives.
  • Is given according to His will for our life, not according to what we want.
  • is about valuing our soul more than our earthly/material life.
  • Is aligned to the Bible and furthers His Glory and vision.
  • Always brings us closer to Him and our soul's salvation. God does not want our soul to remain condemned if we're not saved.

Questions to think About

Think about the different ways God has tried to reach you throughout your life.

  • What has this looked/felt like? How did you know God was guiding you?
  • How often did you listen to Him?
  • What happened when you listened or when you didn't?
  • How did you know it was God who was guiding you?

Please do share your thoughts below!

Gods inspiration by nadingmenezes.jpg
God created us and our entire existence. Of course he'd be our greatest help!

Also shared on my Facebook page.
All content is by the author, unless credited.

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