Bear this in Mind if you Practice or Use Healing / Self Help Techniques

I myself professionally practiced one of systems based on the following, even helping developing an offshoot of it.

  • Sometimes people who don't know God or have any idea of His power discover techniques and systems to help others. These techniques use parts of the mechanics of God's creation. They never involve the bigger picture so are ALWAYS weak, watered down versions of what God wants to give us. These techniques are then sold to others and sometimes even marketed as helping us access/channel God's love and healing.

Like many say, the best things in life are free.

  • Sometimes, and this is more often the case, psychospiritual techniques that heal and help others are partly or completely inspired by false light. This means that as well being based using the mechanics of God's creation, they have some "planned obsolescence" programmed in. Planned obsolescence in its usual meaning is when a machine is designed to eventually break down or not function to its full capacity. In this context, this means there are spiritual lies and poison programmed into healing techniques that keep us spiritually broken on some level. Sometimes they make our situation worse, cults being a prime example of this.

  • Occasionally the more powerful techniques of healing work by toning down levels of demonic oppression and inner darkness temporarily so we feel some relief. This achieves two things -- 1) unknowingly to us, it promotes reliance/faith on demonic/fallen spiritual entities or our own "false light" and 2) it wastes our time so we never find the true, living light of God, our creator -- the spiritual empowerment and life that Jesus Christ was sharing FOR FREE. We are ALL demonically oppressed and have inner darkness so something that promises temporary relief is often seen as "light" and "love" (see link below).

If you practice any kind of psychospiritual healing technique, it is very likely that it has elements of ALL three points above, in varying proportions. Please bear in mind that you definitely HAVE partly been inspired by a source of false light. We all are. Perhaps we are drawn to to certain kinds of healing in order for us to temporarily benefit from it or learn to discern when something isn't really of God.

Eventually, we realize ALL things aren't of God -- because we realize humans and spiritual entities are NOT God; that humans have inner darkness; that we are all demonically oppressed/boosted by entities who don't have our best interest at heart.

We gradually start to let go of spiritual dependence on things/beings/people that aren't God, including ourselves.

Know that God wants the absolute BEST for us, body, soul and spirit -- sometimes it's hard to see that. God's healing (as Jesus perfectly demonstrated being God's son) is MIRACULOUS.


This is inspired by my previous post:
On Listening to God, False Light and Discernment

Pic: When we know God, our Creator, we can know His true light and power from the false light

I use only my own stuff on this account, unless noted otherwise.


What you're describing is ALL spiritual deception. Except for adhering to godly principles, nothing we can do will help. ALL techniques are demonic practices.

If you're a real Christian you can't suffer from demonic oppression or inner darkness as you call it. Unless it's because you're engaging in occult practices.

I agree with only some of what you say. It is all spiritual deception because in God's Kingdom, NONE of it would be present. Jesus didn't need techniques.

"Real Christians" CAN suffer from demonic oppression. The mildest form is temptation, even if they don't always give in to it. If anyone believes they are never tempted then that's a sign there is unseen inner darkness in them in them.

Peter the apostle denied Jesus 3 times -- this is the result of inner darkness - in this case fear. Would you not call him a "real Christian"? Would Jesus have condemned him because of his inner darkness? Even Paul had a "thorn", although I believe that may have partly been demonic oppression too. Perhaps I was unclear about the difference between demonic oppression and inner darkness. They aren't the same thing.

ps: I'm not sure humans have the authority to judge another's state of salvation. Seems like unwise/possibly dangerous territory to deem anyone a real or fake Christian.

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