The next step on Humanities journey is Sovereignty.

in #spirituality6 years ago

Hello world. I found myself channeling last night and today as I listened to live feeds on current affairs. The folks in the commentary sections started talking about the alien disclosure from last December and the group/company of company men(gov men) who are leading it, religion, politics and the laws that are to be obeyed and how the book of Revelations speaks of the end times and God's judgments of our sins. The picture that is painted as these dots connect together is terrifying for those still lost in the darkness.

There are to many dots that are beginning to be connected and the picture they are beginning to paint is not very pretty. It is terrifying instead. It gives Elm Street the image of Disneyland! Some scary fucking shit. Our children are being labeled, drugged and then sent to juvenile facilities starting in grade school when they question the authority, to program them to believe they are criminals needing to be controlled and drugged into submission. They are creating cattle, SLAVES.

The alien disclosure IS a distraction from current events, and it is filled with more lies or disinformation than facts. A couple days prior to this disclosure the government was in the spot light again about there being missing money. Just like 9/11 happened the day after an announcement of trillions missing... We also had all those shooting events all over the country where our government has been involved with their alphabet agencies. The alien disclosure that came out was being used to distract and also to try and control the narrative of all that is coming out that can no longer be hidden. The release of things such as the JFK files saw to it that the locks on the cage of lies have been broken and the Truth is spilling out everywhere. Yet Humanity is hesitating...

Why does Humanity need to be told what they already know to be real and true, IS REAL and TRUE? You know this already. No one needs to validate this for you. It is a choice you make to believe. No one can take your choice from you. Do you believe or don't you? Why does Humanity continue to ask for someone to validate what it is they already know to be true? You know this already. Stop waiting for someone to give you permission to BELIEVE!

Something to consider when dealing with those who love to regurgitate what they have read in a book or has been taught to them as being true by someone who told them they are the authority... Those folks are no more than lemmings. They are incapable of thinking for themselves. They ARE committed slaves to the machine. They blindly follow and believe what they are told as long as the being saying it states they are the authority. They are cowering in a corner waiting to be told what to do as those who claim authority come in to rape them and all they care about.

There is no such thing as sin. It is a label created to control what you think, believe and perceive something to be. It is a judgment that has been handed to you to manipulate you through coercion to someone else dictates through the mediums of shame, guilt and fear. It is used to control you and everything you think and do. Just as prohibition are supposed to do. The label sin is a prohibition that has been handed to you. It is a bar to the cage you have built in your own minds. Each prohibition, each judgment entraps you and enslaves you to the machine.

Something to consider here folks is that you are not following Gods Laws of Sovereignty to be Self Governing. You are and have been following blindly mans laws through prohibitions which are enslaving you to man and NOT freeing you to be as you were created to be which IS SOVEREIGN!

Revelations as put forth from the bible and other religious scriptures is not referring to literal death and destruction folks. What it speaks of is the awakening of the inner being within each of you. Of you opening your eyes to who you are and were meant to be and not these foolish beliefs you have been trained to believe. It is a letting go of the old beliefs in lies to the accepting of Truth. It is the allowing and accepting of each other to be as you choose to be without judgments and recognizing you are equals in every way. You reclaim your Sovereignty.

Humanity sees what it wants to see. Even when the Truth is right in front of them they do not see it. You believe you are required to believe in these laws placed before you by your governments and religious leaders and books. You are taught you are required to do this. Who decided that you are not allowed to choose what is right for you? When did you agree to these laws? Every one came before you came into creation. So who is really in control of you and your choices here? Who is the "Authority" of YOU?

Your blind acceptance is what has you believing what has been handed to you. You ARE NOT REQUIRED to keep following these laws and beliefs. You are allowed to say NO I WILL NOT COMPLY!

Humanity you are the AUTHORITY of YOU! Stop handing away your Sovereignty for a false sense of safety and security in a belief that someone else is going to save you or tell you what to do. You are the Authority of you. Take back your Sovereignty. Demand accountability by taking back your Sovereignty.

Try spinning the word Elohim around, and see the question therein. M I Hole... Am I Whole? That was a Clarification from Spirit of what has always been before you with the phrase... Elohim. It is in reference to Am I Whole? Even in this imagined separation am I whole within this creation of being?

Everything Humanity thinks and believes in has been taught to them and NEVER questioned for validity in Truth. It has been blindly accepted because the one stating it claimed the label and title of authority to do so. That label and title were created to do no more than change the way that being is perceived. It creates a separation between you and an imagined belief they are above or below you instead of your equal. It is a false facade and mask created to manipulate you.

That manipulation is used to get you to willingly hand away your authority and Sovereignty to another unknowingly. This manipulation goes back to your childhood and how your parents and the adults around you trained you to be. You received and accepted the same programming they did. You are no different than they are. You were never required to believe as they chose to. They just got you to believe you had to. Same as they did.

Recognize your Sovereignty does not rest on someone else choosing to be honest, authentic nor accepting. It is a choice you make for you to be as you choose. No one can take that choice from you. You have to give it away.

You assume I do not understand what you go through and you assume I am in judgment of you. I am simply pointing out Truth's you are doing based on your comments and the attachments you have placed on your words. You say more than you know with your emotional attachments to the meanings you give certain words.

Something to consider here is that you are in judgment of the messenger so are not able to hear the message. The next step on Humanities journey here is Sovereignty brother. Humanity is awakening to the lies they have been getting fed. They are awakening to the Truth that everything they have been taught to believe has been a lie to propagate the machine that has been in power over them. Humanities next move is the last, for it is the taking back of their Sovereignty to be as God created them to be which is Self Governing.

Consider a world were you are allowed to be as you choose and do as you choose as long as you harm no one, not even yourself and you trespass on no one in any way. A place where all are loved and accepted exactly as they are without judgment. A place where neighbors talk and reach out to help each other in times of trouble and crisis. That is where we are heading when Humanity takes back their Sovereignty to be Self Governing. Love will guide us to be as we were created to be.

To question is to seek clarification of meaning and intent. To question is to gain understanding and direction in what it is you choose for you to experience. Questioning when done with Holy Spirit as the Guide is where the rubber meets the road my brothers. For Holy Spirit will lay the Truth before you and allow you to choose. It will be you who will accept it or judge it thereby denying it's very existence.

I have found the way to release my suffering has been to let go of my own judgments about what it is I am thinking and believing I am experiencing. When I stop judging I no longer suffer. I simply accept what it is that is happening and ask what lesson I am to learn. I am able to accept what Spirit has laid before me and let go that which I had been taught to believe.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.


LOl we lead ourselves i dont fucking need anyone 2 tell me all things exist... for i know they do i always fucking known they have in my heart! its funny for the majrotiy of my physical incarnation be programmed in varying ways i lost this connection 2 my inner and higher knowing!
but wow this is incredible though!

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