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RE: Starseed Astrology - Heads Up Nov 14 - 23

Thanks for posting about this and sharing Starseed Astrology, I'm seneding Pure Intentions for Pure to Quantum Observe the dates "November 14th to November 23rd" and for this period to receive extra Pure energies, peace and harmony.

I also read an interesting article about predictions on their website and that is a big wow and yes! I love it!

I feel like he's stating much of what I've been feeling and working on. Awesome!


Thank you so much for that - I will continue to add my intentions & hopefully as others do we'll all have a safe & happy holiday season. :)

I'm so glad you found Sal's work resonant - the part about "receipt of divine life advantages by those who have championed child causes" stands out & I hope all of you doing that good work are blessed for it.

He's mentioned that upcoming Saturn energies in December will give folks doing our work an assist (couldn't find the exact post but I will share it if I find it). I find that interesting considering all the historical darkness associated with it & what seems to have transpired earlier this year with 7 solar flares directed towards Saturn, hopefully disrupting whatever was going on with there. It certainly does appear a lot of dark ones have lost their power & ability to go unpunished. Hopefully this will continue until everything is made right.

You're welcome. It's great that we are sharing information with each other, whether intentionally or by being drawn and guided to write / read certain topics etc.

I do believe in astrology and the planets but never really explored it enough to understand it, but I find it good to check in with someone who knows there stuff and can let us know what is going on, so I'm pleased to have found Sal's work too. I'm following on Facebook now so will see his new posts.

Yes saturn and the rings around saturn, being working on that for some time, very dark evil energy, sending dark waves down to earth, being amplified by the moon. Have you heard the saturn sounds? It's on You Tube, don't listen unless you're feeling empowered and can channel into it, it's yuk!!

Wow, saturn energies in December, I'm feeling that is big, Christmas related which I've read is actually a satan celebration and we're feeding them energy by celebrating it!! Sending Pure Intentions that this is stopped now and all high and celebrating energies are kept Pure and cannot be projected or transformed for evil purposes!

Great that you're feeling a lot of dark has lost it's power and ability to go unpunished, I've been working on the storage of dark energy and also them transferring their karma to victims, so great news! Adding to your intentions that this continues to be so and evil is repelled from earth. (being sending that out for some time now too!) Good is happening even when it doesn't feel like, so great news :)

Edit: part of my comment got covered up by the video thing. Weird...will have to make my comments out of order and see about putting the link to the video at the bottom? LOL

Same here re: astrology. I believe the stars and planets are incredibly influential on our lives, but I never really felt the call to make it a heavy focus as far as drilling down deep into the complicated aspects of it. A friend sent me this video by Joni Patry on August 8...needless to say I was blown away at the time, but even more so going back to look at it now and seeing what all she predicted dead on. Cryptocurrency up, gas prices up, fires, hurricanes, past misdeeds brought to light... She uses the Vedic system of astrology, and as far as my personal chart goes, I never found it all that resonant but she definitely seems to be able to use it to tap into the bigger picture in a highly accurate way.

I am definitely enjoying and grateful for the exchange of intel :) I think being fluid and following what we're guided to share in the moment is a good strategy.

The pictures of that hexagon shaped storm on Saturn seriously freaks me out. I can hardly stand to think of it. From the Wikipedia page: "Between 2012 and 2016, the hexagon changed from a mostly blue color to more of a golden color." Definitely something "interesting" going on there. I haven't heard the sound from it - I think I will respect your warning and wait until things around me get a little more stabilized ;)

I agree that the holidays are definitely exploited to harvest chi...especially as it has become more and more consumer-oriented, and also "offensive". So not only do you have people depressed and squeezed financially, guilt-tripped over giving and not doing've got that angry bunch of people trying to shut it all down and rob others of their freedom of expression. Nevermind the ones macing each other to be the first to get a deal on a new TV. Ugh. I am ALL FOR the high and celebrating energies being kept pure...that is WONDERFUL and I think I need to put that at the top of the sticky notes and run it all the time (in this, and all my timelines ;) ) !!!! I think people really need a boost of all the more positive things we see come out at this time of year - the heart-centered giving, kindness, miracles, the wonder and excitement in children, being more neighborly, the magic, stillness and purity of snow... The holidays being what a holiday season ideally should be :)

It's a really amazing time to be doing the kind of things we do. :)

Oh that is weird re the video covering up your reply! Yes best put the links at the bottom!

Wow yes she got the hurricanes right for sure, they were very nasty energy, evil manufactured for sure as with the fires etc.

Yes I wasn’t keen when I saw the hexagon shape on saturn, it’s not a good energy, freaky indeed, but may all the energy work and Pure Intentions work on this.

Christmas is way too commercialised but that is the point for evil, pile on the stress, guilt buying or not being able to afford to buy, and overspending, debt afterwards, all for one day - crazy! May the magic of ‘the heart-centered giving, kindness, miracles, the wonder and excitement in children, being more neighborly, the magic, stillness and purity of snow..’ be remembered and made the focus.

Thanks for your comments :)

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