Thoughtless Tuesday #1 - What are thoughts?

in #spirituality5 years ago (edited)

Thoughtless Tuesday #1

Romvlvs & De Vera.png

What are thoughts?


'A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So he loses touch with Reality, and lives in a world of illusion.'

~ Alan Watts.


Visitors; clouds passing by in the sky to be more exact. They are not us, and we are not them. Conscious observation of thoughts teaches us about their true nature and exposes us the paradox that comes with; if the identification of self with thoughts - seeing them as 'me' - is illusory, then, inevitably, a sense of separation emerges, as one fails to identify oneself with the thoughts that pass through one's mind. That sense of separation is a part of the polarised nature of the mind, through which we process given thoughts.

If we look at thoughts as information, and our brain as a means of decoding that information, knowing that the brain is a polarised organ, decoding reality through duality, then could it be so that a receptor of a different sort - a heart, which is beyond duality - could decode those very thoughts differently? If so, then is it the nature of the thoughts or simply the nature of our brains that is polarised?

Thoughts are tricky things to think about. They are in a way a paradox; one thought is being experienced and viewed as a thought by another thought. If that is the case, then who experiences the second thought that 'thinks' about the first? Is it an on-going chain of thoughts, or are we in truth separate from the thoughts with which we identify?


We cannot say that we are our thoughts, just like you cannot say that your computer or phone is the internet; they both decode the field of information around them that is the internet, just as we interact with and decode the field of information which we call thoughts that is all around us at all times, but they are not the internet themselves; they are simply receivers and decoders. That is what our brains are, and our thoughts are simply like computer files; pieces of information.

In next week's post, I will look into the power of thinking.


Something to think on:

The mind lives in polarity, the heart, however, resides in permanent unity.

Sources -

Image 1 - Alan Watts

Image 2 - Ripples on water



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