in #spirituality7 years ago


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For quite some time now I have had a fascination with Eastern philosophy and meditation. The power and potential of the human mind has always impressed me and stories about meditation have always impressed me while being something of a mystery to me. What do people experience when the sit for hours on end trying to silence their mind?

I began meditating myself about 10 years ago. Not every day, but sporadically when the mood happens to strikes me. I wouldn’t consider myself to be an expert at meditation by any means or even and expert on the topic from a theoretical standpoint. Nonetheless, I have had a few strange experiences while meditating that I still to this day cannot fully explain.

This article describes and discusses a particular meditation experience that I had a few years ago. The experience was what I would refer to as a crown chakra opening, though what that means exactly, I do not actually know. It happened spontaneously to me on more than one occasion. It wasn’t something that I planned and I do not believe that I could have another one if I tried to. But anyway - this is my experience.


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When was the last time you did nothing? I mean, truly did nothing?

It was a question that randomly popped into my mind but it really made me think in that moment. Sure I’ve sat on a couch and watched TV or movies for hours – something that I would normally consider to be – “doing nothing.” I’ve also eaten supper alone, had a nap, or sat and read a book. However, I’ve never actually sat on the couch and stared at a wall and actually done nothing for an extended period of the day.

Do nothing. What a novel concept.

I realized at that moment that I had mostly spent my life trying to fill each moment with some sort of activity. I realized that I largely kept myself busy or entertained during every waking moment of my life, but that I have never actually just sat alone with myself and my thoughts in order to “just be.”

That night I decided to give it a try. I decided that I would allow myself to “waste” an entire evening sitting on the couch alone in the dim light of the falling sun and “just be” with myself.


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It was actually hard for me to make the decision. It seemed like such a waste to do nothing, as if I was wasting a precious moment of my life that I would never get back. But what the hell. I have lots of days left, it would be ok if I wasted just one.

So I sat on the couch and allowed my mind to wander. I didn’t try to stop it or control it, I just allowed it to do what it wanted to. I don’t remember what I thought about in that moment but I remember that my thoughts seemed to gain a sort of momentum and they rapidly increased in their speed. They seemed to gain a certain force as they went, like an electric pulse travelling down a series of wires gaining speed at each passing second. My mind jumped from topic to topic exhausting each idea that I had started at some point along my life’s journey but never really finished. The electrical pulse seemed to hit each node in my brain as it traveled around and around exposing each idea contained within it. It did this for about an hour and 45 minutes.

But then a strange thing happened. A sort of transition took place and my thoughts began to slow down. Like a locomotive shifting and gearing down, my thoughts began to lose their momentum and eventually they stopped altogether.


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My thoughts stopped naturally on their own. It was like my mind consumed everything it had and there was nothing left to think about. At that moment I was inclined to close my eyes and I did so. It was a natural feeling that I allowed to happen. I also felt a strong impulse to sit up straight, to straighten my back and to align my spine. I had been slouching the whole time and now it felt uncomfortable and wrong to do so.

After aligning my spine I immediately began to feel a strange sensation. My spinal cord became rigid and erect and seemed to energize itself in a way that I can't fully explain. It felt like a ball of energy was traveling up my spine and making its way to my brain. When it reached the top of my spine it began to descend downward again back to the base. Once there, it traveled back up but this time with a greater force. Up and down, up and down each time gaining more and more speed.

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At the same time my brain seemed to be swelling and an intense pressure began to form on my skull. Behind my eye lids an intense light filled my vision as if my head was being filled by liquid light. It felt like I was sitting in an intensely white room. The pressure in my skull was immense and it felt as if a crack was forming at the top. It wasn’t painful by any means. It wasn’t even unpleasant. But it was there and it was unforgetable.

Finally, it was as if my head was filled to capacity with this energy and the crack in my skull burst open to release everything inside of it. Briefly I was engulfed in a white light that was shooting up and out of my skull and pouring down around me like a fountain. Then it was over.


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The whole chakra event happened quite quickly. I would say that about 3 minutes had passed from its start to its finish. After it happened I looked up similar experiences on the internet that happened to others. others described it as a crown chakra opening and I myself have no other explanation for it. I do not know what caused it or what the event means or even how it could have happened. I do not know the science behind it or if that science exists. The event is largely a mystery to me.

If anyone has had a similar experience or can explain it, I would love to hear it. Please share your story if you have ever experienced something similar.

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Thanks For Reading



Have you heard amount Kundalini, the energy that sits at the base of your spine? Your article sounds like you unlocked it very quickly. Are you still experiencing these sensations? Check out my article and let me know if these symptoms sound familiar to you.

Yeah I did some research after it happened and it definitely sounded like a kundalini yoga type experience. It happened randomly, and has happened other times as well but they are sporadic. I meditate relatively often but cant force the energy experience. I don't know why it happens sometimes but not others. The experience almost always happens in my head though i have heard that it can happen at any of the chakra points. I once had a very brief sensation in my throat but its harder to describe. It was like energy circling in that area.

Anyway, thanks for the comment. I will check out your blog :)

Great, thanks! Yeah the way to really gain that experience again is to start your focus on your first chakra and slowly move up your spine stopping at each chakra. It is a build up of energy that releases once your get to your top crown chakra. I agree that sometimes when I meditate I get more out of it then others, but I think the key is to be consistent with mediation practice, which is hard for most of us. :)

that's interesting. Maybe i'll start doing that (focusing on the chakras) intentionally when I meditate. I wish i could be more consistent but I find it very challenging to do it routinely. I'll have to keep working on that.

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