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RE: The Next Big Thing is You

in #spirituality6 years ago

Its funny Jake, we have travelled similar road and I have bumped into many of the folk you speak of. Neville Goddard being one of the,. But I think it was only a few youtubes of his. I kinda got into the manifesting thing and positive thought, but always felt something was just a bit 'off'. Not that there is ever any harm in cultivating loving and kind thoughts. More that I wanted to discover what was at the root, who was seeking improvement ... and why (AHHH!) well, no, forget the why.
But it emains an interesting exploration. Enjoyed your post as ever.


More that I wanted to discover what was at the root, who was seeking improvement

I was right there with you, got into Goddard for about a month with minor success, but

"Seek ye first thing kingdom of heaven, then all things shall be given."

I still hadn't found the who either, and I felt in order to use Goddard's teachings in the right way I had to find out... The concepts have been with me, but my aspiration has been truth, so they've taken a back seat. ALways good to remind myself though, I think the concepts he lays out can play a role in realization, really I think realizating the I am is the first thing he points out in his book The Power(which doesn't appear to be available anymore.) so I think once we discover the "who" is where our beginning really starts. That's just my thoughts though, I'm really not 100%

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