A Messy Life - Awakening Blog 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

What I will try to convey in the 'Awakening Blogs', isn’t a prescription for living. It’s not psychotherapy. It is not a fix-the-person blog. It is just not about the ‘me’ at all.

And yet this is the raw material that we seem to have to work with, because everything appears to scream out to the contrary - that the personal self is all the reality there is to ‘me.’

I recall Tony Parsons once saying ‘True compassion is that there is nobody’ which I understood at the time, but didn’t get it viscerally, didn’t feel it. It came across quite coldly and with a flavour of rejection. Because what was hearing those words was a 'me' who was looking (subtly) for a fix. But in reality It is a beautiful Truth.


Sometimes dismisal, in the way Tony delivered it, is the only truly effective tool to use, often very forcefully, to undermine the personal thought system, that’s just the way it has to be, because the personal 'me' can be a precious and sticky so-and-so! ( I don’t like to use the term 'ego' as it is so easy to dismiss as some kind of a third party – over there)

Sure, it will rattle its cage, and that is all to the good, because that SELF-MADE constriction needs to be seen for the impediment it is, so that your natural Freedom can flourish, In a manner of speaking, of course.

The statement ‘There is no one,’ Is simply stating a fact, that’s all.

The narrator between the ears; the thoughts that have your Identity locked within a bag of bones and flesh, that have you pinned to yesterday or fleeing into the future, is NOT what you are. This is the reminder that is offered time and time again in a multitude of ways, all to circumvent the narcissistic sense of ‘me’ that would cripple a life of ease.

An Awakened life experience can be every bit as messy as an un-awakened one (silly terms, I know) but what is crucially different in the former, is that there is no mental tyrant wheilding it’s whip of judgement, blame, incessant angst-filled commentary, worry and all the accompanying time-bound bullshit (TBB).

In a Free Life - Life happens as before and it is dealt with in the moment. It contains everything it did before the clear seeing was there. Sure, time-bound thinking happens for practical organisation etc. It’s not like you sit in some ivory tower proclaiming ‘There is no one’ whilst your day-today life crumbles all around (Though nothing is discounted!).

Everyday functioning happens; Being on time for meetings, cooking breakfast, getting frustrated at loosing car keys,
having unexpected bills drop through the letterbox, Illness. It’s all there, all of it!

What is not there is the idea that ANY OF IT shouldn’t be there.

Life is messy, for sure, and that’s just the way it is – Enjoy.



Sure, it will rattle its cage, and that is all to the good, because that SELF-MADE constriction needs to be seen for the impediment it is

It's funny how we begin to see what we were doing before. It has taken me a long time to remove judgement and give others their due in leading their lives. My thoughts used to almost instinctively go into judgement of some kind which is kind of like a form of control. Now I just try to see the person or thing for what they are, and see the beauty in them.

Glad you started this series!

Thanks for supporting the blog Jake. Just felt the urge to drop a few essays down irrespective up-take. I think it is a subject matter that isn't necessarily that appealing. I mean, who wants to hear they are not the authors of their life, its actually a beautful seeing, just not everyone's cuppa!
Many thanks for being here.

I was trying to come up with something interesting that would make me look smart and as if I am the awoken one, then I realized it was just some more TBB !

"In a Free Life - Life happens as before and it is dealt with in the moment."

Does it mean that time is non-linear and we just passing by? Does it mean that things are determined and nothing can be changed?

It actually means nothing at all. Life is just happening. The personal self is a meaning-maker/seeker. Nothing has meaning of itself. Which is deeply wonderful actually, cuz you can just LET IT BE as The Beetles reminded us :)... and even if 'you' don't let it be, guess what? it will still just be what it is!
Life is a beautiful dynamic river flowing. Time is a thought construct that enables the personal self to appear real. There is only the eternal now.
The separate self, the personality, appears to have choice, this is only how its appears - how it seems to the 'me' (it is not the ultimate reality) but this appearance comes with the territory of the sense of being an individual, as it were.
Every possibility is available in the Eternal now. It is afterall limitless (Inifinte). This is your true Identity.
Bet you wish you had never asked :)

i'm curious, because you seem not to have noted it. have you experience 'the law of attraction'?

for me it is very real, and i have some trouble when reading accounts that seem not to see this, because in my world, I use it all the time. I literally use God to change what I think about a thing.

i consider my faith to be strengthened each time I succeed at changing how things where going. and to me, faith then can be used in tougher (and more impossible) circumstances.

neale donald walsch said that God wanted us to do something so big that it would be humanly impossible... to show God's Glory.

but there are no requirements, no needs, no wants.... just us having experience that is impossible without other for comparison.

Hey @klevn, Thanks for dropping by. Yes I did go through many avenues that involved the manifestation theories and Neale Donald Walsh's writings were instrumental back in the day, in opening me to different possibilities.
I discount nothing in the world of manifestation, period. All things that can be thought of are possible.
This is not my thrust or intention with these writings. I would say that I like to help to point to the 'obstacles' that prevent us from knowing our true nature, and hence discovering peace or happiness that is at the heart of our being, indeed is our being.
Manifesting a magnanimus life is fine, just not my intention with these blogs.
So good of you to drop a comment and get involved with the discussion, it is much appreciated.

right on. thanks for the reply. I do appreciate your post, it brings out some ideas in a way that may make it clearer for some. I know I enjoyed reading it.

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