Is there Life after Birth

in #spirituality8 years ago

Though a child in its mothers womb has no idea that it's a part of this physical world nor does it have any comprehension of it; that child still uses this world for it's development. Everyone in this world knows that same child however is a part of it and though we may not know it's form, qualities or attributes we are well aware that child can not exist without this physical world.

How is it any different with us. We perceive a world that does not exist, we are designed to believe in things we can not see. If this were not the case how could we ever believe that stars are larger than they appear or that the world is round as there is no ability to see them for what they really are and no perspective that we can have where we could perceive them for their true size or form.

We design tools and instruments for the measurement of abstract ideas in order to comprehend them. Where do these tools come from if not the world of non-existence. What screwdriver or screw ever existed in nature what mosque or temple was ever created simply by the natural order.

Wouldn't it therefore be safe to assume that we, like the child in the mothers womb are a part of a world that we can neither see nor have any comprehension of. That that world is necessary for both our development and existence as is the physical world for the child.

If we use a world that we can neither see nor comprehend and that world is necessary for our development wouldn't it be safe to assume that we exist in both worlds; the world of existence as well as the world of non-existence.
If we do in fact exist in a world of non-existence or the abstract world how would we ever be able to recognize ourselves without first having self recognition on a physical level. In order to be aware of ones self one must perceive themselves as separate from the environment, in order to do so we have need of a physical self for physical recognition. For how would something that had no distinction between itself and it's environment ever know it is in fact separate from its environment thus rendering it incapable of self recognition.

In this world we have the physical form and light reflecting from it as well as the five senses that we may have self recognition and in order for one to be capable of existing in a physical world with those five senses one has need of the development of a physical body that must needs separate it from it's environment. Therefore one must first be born of water that one may see through the evaluation of itself and its environment that it does in fact exist.

Without first, physical recognition how would one ever have recognition of a spiritual self, existing in an abstract realm or the realm of non-existence.

How would one develop the abstract self, spirit or soul without being a part of an abstract spiritual world that one is incapable of understanding or comprehending. A world that like the child in its mothers womb has no comprehension of yet uses it for it's development. How would one develop the spiritual self considering the physical self has need of physical food for development what would spiritual food consist of.. Maybe the choices we make contribute to the attributes we possess such as greed or compassion, covetous or generosity, selfishness or selflessness, accumulation or detachment and which of these would be of spiritual substance.

Would it therefore be safe to assume that spiritual substance develops the spiritual self or soul; and without that development the spiritual self would lets say; be born in a less than desirable state.

So taking these arguments into practical application the physical world is meant for spiritual development and considering you can take nothing of it with you what would be he point of unnecessary physical accumulation, greed, lust, power or legacy as it benefits the spiritual self nothing for physical food only feeds the physical body whereas spiritual substance such as generosity, compassion, kindness and love benefit not just the spiritual self but humanity as a whole.

If the world of humanity understood this one basic philosophy what a world would it be as everyone would only work toward spiritual development rather than the accumulation and possession of what is in the womb. How much is your time worth as it in itself is simply designed for the development of what we are to become. And why would you trade it for the dust of this world for attachment is the root of all fear..

Fear of losing what you have, fear of losing what one has worked so hard to gain. Fear of losing ones prestige, power, authority, homes, legacy and even fear of losing ones own self identity the identity of the fetus in its womb.

Fear of losing the dust you've worked so hard to accumulate and when you can't take any of it with you in the end you will be like a heroine addict in worst kind of withdrawal due to your separation from the physical world.

Once separated from it those addicts who have accumulated the most have the most to lose and will suffer the loss of it more than any other. Those same addicts have enslaved the whole population of the earth to satisfy their greed, hunger for power and addiction to self causing every war and all of the suffering we now see. They are in fact stealing your time for your development and have convinced you to value this addiction and enslavement.

In the end everyone must leave this womb and considering the relation to the child in it's mothers womb that child has no comprehension of time outside its environment and maybe it takes a second maybe it takes a lifetime. Taking into consideration this same relation if this life is temporary and the next an eternity how long do you really have for your development, how much is your time worth and would you continue to trade it away for the dust and trinkets of a physical womb. How do you want to be born? As an addict or detached from it.

Considering your attachment to the first womb as it may have been warm and comfortable and all your needs were met, on the day of your birth it must have been a traumatic experience but none the less you were born into something unfathomable and how amazing is it. Maybe you are born into the next world and maybe it is also a traumatic experience but regardless of how warm, comfortable or attached you are to this world the next is going to be even more amazing so in all reality what is there to fear? I'll quote a line from a recent movie "Fear is not real, it is something you create. It is the story you tell yourself and that story has no basis in reality your fear is a choice" as is Happiness, Compassion, Kindness and Love. What will you choose and how will you be born, as a developed or undeveloped soul.

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