11:11 Update

in #spirituality7 years ago


To be perfectly honest, 11:11, 8:8 Lions Gate...all these dates with newly ascribed meanings - they don't seem to hold much inherent energy to me. Having said that - I think it's awesome that people doing the good work are consciously choosing to use these times to unify and use their energy to create benevolent outcomes, which is exactly what I did yesterday. :) (but no - for me, it's not the same as working with a cosmic, solar, stellar event or a holiday with a lot of morphic resonance centered around natural seasonal timing).

Yesterday the card I drew from the Galactic Heritage Deck was Open Contact - and though it goes along perfectly with the theme of future/parallel timelines and selves...I must honestly say that I didn't receive any paradigm-shattering downloads (yet) :)

This past January, I had a windfall and was able to sign up for a year of Level 3 VIP membership to Kimberly Crowe's tribe. In doing so, I've been able to receive all her calls and grids. This has certainly been a year when I did need a lot of outside support and assistance, so I'm glad I took the risk in buying something that is normally way out of my price range. It took some inner work feeling "deserving" enough to do it, especially when there were so many other "more practical" things I could have spent the money on.

Yesterday Kimberly did a transmission call at 11:00, working through the 11:11...working with the Heart Matrix Portal, connected to those others trying to anchor in blessings for humanity. The work was about receiving cosmic frequencies of value, personal value, what others perceive as our value, restoring real value to our lineage, establishing a new value system. There was some other lightbody work, detaching from the chaotic mind of humanity (which is originally what attracted me to her work...that, removing what she calls "the distraction template", and working with elementals at sacred sites).

I'm still parsing all of that out, but in the meantime the recent karmic work seems to keep coming up. I intend to get that map typed up today. It's a bit of a daunting task, trying to gather the right resources to explain the work (with the primary sites I used for my work being offline and my harddrive inaccessible).

In the meantime, here's the link to Kimberly's website: http://innerawakenedmastery.webs.com/ She has a lot of excellent freebies for those who may resonate. :)

<3 K

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