DAILY DOSE OF GOD'S WORD- "Walk in the Spirit"

in #spirituality7 years ago

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So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Galatians 5:16 NIV ( New International Version)


Flesh and the Spirit won't agree together. The flesh is weak, it is vulnerable and is temporal. The Spirit is eternal and Holy. When the serpent tempted Adam and Eve it appealed to the desires of the flesh. When he tempted the Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness, he appealed to the weakness of the flesh- Food(lust of the flesh), Pride of life and lust of the eyes. It all pertains to the desires of the flesh. So, when we walk according to the will of the Spirit ,we will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

How to walk in the Spirit?

We must fear God and realize that God is always with us. He is within us and He is present in all of us. We can avoid the gratification of the flesh. Know that God hates sin, he hates when we choose flesh rather than spirit for flesh and it's desires leads us far away from God. For God wants us to be with Him in eternity. To be eternally joyful and happy we must not fulfill the desires of the flesh for it is just temporal.

We must strengthen our Spirit, by nourishing it with God's Word. Daily dose of God's Word serves as a Vitamin to the spirit. Nutrients for our soul that enable us to win the fight between spirit and the flesh.

Daily Prayer that empowers our immune system of the spirit and the soul. For prayer is like oxygen, with out it we can not live for a day.

“If we follow the general rule that a person can survive forty days without food, four days without water, but only four minutes without oxygen, then we might conclude that oxygen is the most important.” (Living What You Believe – Kenneth Boa and William Kruidenier)

Let it be our desire, not to go on a day without prayer.


Flesh can not defeat the spirit, if this is our daily Formula. Formula that can defeat one of the greatest enemies, that is our "self" for self plus "H" that speaks to "Humans", when you turn it around is "Flesh"... Self that is wanting always to gratify the desires of the flesh, that will lead to sin, that will lead to sad life and that will lead death.

Here's another beautiful song : "Walking in the Spirit" by Mark Hayes

Performed by: Escondido Adventist Academy Chorale under the direction of Angelica Eclar

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Thanks for your time; it's me @joshvel saying God bless and Mabuhay!

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