Religion Was Never God’s Plan for Humanity

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

How many churches do we have today? This question also reminds me of the divisions in another major religion – the Muslims. After the Catholics vs Protestants, we have other minor divisions in the latter, and they all have their approach towards service to God. So, if different individuals from different denominations met, you would have to listen to many theorems that represent their understanding of divine power, and they all have some justifications. The problem is that humans are also divided by these lines apart from race and where we come from. On the other hand, what was God’s initial intention?

Free people with an open mind, body and soul

I need to mention that sin has something to do with the multiple splits. It brought guilt, anger, sadness and immorality among all the other things that we consider unacceptable when it comes to ethics and code of conduct. Instead of a mutual connection with our creator, now we have to serve and fear the higher power.

We know what is right and wrong, but instead of using this knowledge to get closer to God, we now have different ways of cleansing ourselves. If your neighbour or partner at work does not concur with your methodology, arguments tend to pop up, and they may not join or agree with your line of belief if there are questions about why do you do it this way?

Religion came so that we can go back to living in harmony and get the message that will become our driving fuel. Different modes of interpretation, on the other hand, restrict you from having a free mind to think through and instead carry what you are fed with you. If you got the wrong message or interpretation – this is what makes people believe that Jesus is coming next year so you should sell everything and wait!

All God serving religions convey the same message

If your faith does not speak about evil, then it has something to do with the Providence. Our Creator’s original plan was for human beings to take care of his creation and find earth as our home and a perfect place to live in. We have all the air we need to breathe, water to drink, food to eat; you name it. Religion, on the other hand, requires us to know what God needs and what we should do to make Him happy.

If we look at the human race, we can all agree that loving one another, taking care for your fellow partner, not stealing or taking a human’s life are some of the virtues that will make us live peacefully amongst ourselves. Whether you are in China or Alaska, breaking such guidelines brings negativity, revenge and all the things that characterise as sin and evil.

Different ways carrying one meaning

To summarise what I’m trying to say, let us take this example. We have person one in Sahara desert and person two living in areas around Mt. Everest. Now, God wants to tell these two a message of peace to deliver to their communities. He is mysterious so, there will be signs that need some interpretation before both persons begin their journey. Do you think that God would use the same symbols?

In the desert, there are dunes, sand, wind storms carrying all the dirt, and the rare animals that live there. Back in the mountains, snow, rocks, cold and rain are the order of the day. So, if person one saw the message on a pillar of sand, person two would see some communication in the clouds, for instance. However, the conversation is the same, peace to all.

So, if you friend back in the office has an outrageous way of belief, that does not mean there is nothing you can agree on. For the religions that fight others in the name of serving a superior being than yours, I can only agree with that if the one being fought has some idols to deal with.

Remember, we are all asked to serve one another despite our origin, and nothing short of that.

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nice article

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true enough, one questions what religion is and really about beliefs sometimes its the same as thinking about Santa Claus

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