Universal Psycho-Pedagogy, Pt.4 – Distortions In The Matrix

in #spirituality7 years ago

Continuing from part III...



Chapter VII

From Sacred Geometry to Genesis

In this part 4 of the Universal Psycho-Pedagogy series I’ll try to go more at the various subjects not just in a spiritual perspective but from different registries at the same time. These are also the internal, biological, and social evolution aspects, so that we can understand the relation between all things and be more flexible. The ultimate goal is always the integration of all parts to go to unity. Nevertheless, as mentioned in the previous parts of this series, through all these perspectives the information is always meant to be regarded in the most neutral way possible. Neutrality not only allows us to see things more clearly, as it is also something that is eternal, just like the first point where we all came from – Essence, Source, Divine Consciousness. Neutrality is therefore what supports the Infinite, it allows us to see things from the outside, to find answers and solutions otherwise hidden, forever zooming out from what appears to be limited.

There is also a reason why I chose the image in the front of this blog post. Basically it’s all about repetition. So let’s see how so:

When we see or create something beautiful, and we happen to be alone, many times it comes a feeling of wanting to have someone else there with us to share that beauty with, as if it would make it even more appreciated and precious. Through this same longing, the Universe was created. It was when Consciousness began to be aware of it and made its first question, that an internal conflict emerged. There was a sensation of having the capacity to make everything but at the same time a loneliness in that whole creation, in that capacity to Be. This sensation we all have felt it at some point, when suddenly something happens that puts us in silence and it appears that “I am all alone in the world”. Likewise, when we were all at the same point, the All really was just One. It appears that although solitude may be sweet, it is only so until it is too much. For every sensation we have, feelings, emotions, and actions we do as humans, the universe already did the same before in its own way.

The first question that changed everything for us as one only Being, was “What can I be?”. In this same way, today if we started asking ourselves this question more often, very likely a lot of things would change in the lives of many. The question is just not asked enough, if at all. For as much as we think we already are enough, we can always be more. Not as having more things but as actually being More, which is different if we think about it, since it has no limits. But enough digressing, sometimes my mind wanders.

In the beginning, when all was neutral, only one reality existed. And it was called Future.


How so? Well, we have to keep in mind something important – In the Universe things generally are the reverse of how they are perceived here in our world. To the Universe, the future does not work in the same way as we know it. The rules and laws created by us humans often times are found to be against Nature, even though in a contradictory way we create things trying to mimic Nature. So let’s find the logic in this and see how it was that the first reality was actually the Future, then the Present and finally the Past was the one who came later. Gradually the meaning of “Unlocking the doors of perception” unveils, which is nothing but seeing things in a different perspective other than from the notions fabricated by our society, deeply engraved in our minds over Time.

The future for the Universe can have also another synonym: Intention. The question “What can I be?” created a doubt as a solution to Divine Consciousness’s eternal certainty. When in oneness everything was so certain and so logic, for it to understand itself totally then inevitably doubt and logic were necessary. The only way to Know was manifesting an intention, which is the Future – the first Time that existed. When this Being decided to take action upon its own reality, it started to multiply itself as a form of expression. To observe itself was the only way in understanding who it was. This was the moment when One divided into two. And in a way, the second half is not another Being, but the same one just observing itself. From these two it divides into four, and then into eight, and so on.

This is the same process in the formation of our cells. We are therefore a constant extension, or repetition, from that first division of the divine Being. Each time our cells divide themselves, multiply, or when we find someone else and we reproduce to give birth to another being, these are all millions and millions of subdivisions from which that one Being started to reflect itself. This division, especially from one into two, four and eight, is very important to keep in mind since they are the first 8 bases of universal creation. The first 4 cells of the universe are the base system of all creation, they symbolize all that we are and all that we do in this way: 1 is Expression, 2 is the Experience, 3 is Integration and 4 is Transcendence. This is: inevitably we have to express ourselves, so that we can experience, to be able to integrate the experience and then transcend the reality, as a means to go back to Source. In this way we express ourselves over and over again the same One original point. The further repetition of that base system of 4, reflects into 8. 8 is the number of Time. Why? Because the first 4 points by reflecting themselves started to create a spiral geometry, which we can see in the figure of the infinite.

Let’s see all this more clearly, from sacred geometry to our biology:


Zooming in a bit more on the row where we see the 4 cells at the above image, this is the geometry at the most right:


Let’s brake it in pieces: the Universe as in the first point (green), knew that it needed to project itself to better understand itself. So from the center it expands to all directions (yellow). From having now more “room” on its expansion, it divides into two to observe itself from another point of view (the 2 big circles attached horizontally). This is the first cellular division. In the middle of this division resembling an eye is what we call the Vesica Piscis, the womb of the Universe. Actually there are 2 Vesica Piscis in there, one vertical and one horizontal. Then, the Universe divides itself further up and down. These are the four original cells, or the four mother cells. The nucleus of these cells (the 4 little circles) represent Expression, Experience, Integration, and Transcendence. These nucleus together with the upper and inverted triangles in the middle, are what gives significance to the Vesica Piscis. Those 4 nucleus are very important as they also show the four directions in which reality divides to experience itself, also represented by the cross in the middle.

This cross, has always been everywhere and we can find it throughout all humankind’s history:

Symbol of Earth:

The Halo:


But the original cross is that one in the middle of the figure. From that cross, or 4 directions of reality, also comes its rotation, which represents the ability to see reality in various perspectives. And this is the symbol of the rotation:

This symbol was later turned into what we know of as the Nazi symbol, with its direction reverted and its significance distorted. From a symbol of creation, also a symbol of the fire, Sun, and of the rotation of time and space among many other things, it turned into the symbol of genocide. An example of how too much repetition can also generate distortion…

The Vesica Piscis symbol was also adultered, from the symbol of the Womb of the Universe, or of the All Seeing Eye in the middle of the Universe and galaxy, among many other things, it turned into this:

So these 3 symbols of the original cross, of the rotation and of the Vesica Piscis very well known in all ancient cultures and seen in the Chakana Andina, in the Eye of Horus, in the Eye of Odin, etc., once taken with deep reverence for representing the start of the basic geometry of universal creation, turned out later to be the symbols that could inflict the most fear. From the Inquisition age to the masonic Illuminati, all came to be about control over the souls, when the only thing the Universe seeks is to know itself, like a child.

Now let’s zoom in a bit more on the 4 mother cells and take them as the only four Beings or entities that existed in the universe and nothing else. How did they become 8?


Braking down the figure: From the four directions in the universal reality we’ve seen before, they are cut into other four matrixes. For the first time we have the creation of 8 perspectives of the universe. These 8 perspectives are part of Time and Space, which has in itself 9 points of observation, also called the 9 directions of Time and Space, and also known as The Power of 9. Time and space here also has nothing to do with the measure of quantities and distances, they are just expressions of a single reality. Time can be regarded as transformation and Space as the result of the transformation of that time, this allows us to understand Time and Space in a more circular geometric form in which energy moves in cycles instead of a line with a beginning and an end, or linear.

The first point of observation is the center, from which everything comes and everything goes, this is the 9th dimension where all the power of the divine is located, in its interior. Why is the center 9? Well, all this is very mathematical even though the universe doesn’t count in the same way as we do. For example the 9 is also 7 which is also 1. And 9, 7 and 1 are also divine codes, codes of observation of the Being. The 9th dimension is the All and the nothing. The 9 also symbolizes the 9 dimensions from which the One Being expresses Itself. Remember that the universe starts in the One, as unity. This unity has a potential of what it can be, which for the Universe is the number 0. The inverse of the 0 and of the 1, for us is the number 10, but for the universe 01 or 10 signifies the same thing, it’s only that It sees things from one perspective or the other.

So from 1, the Universe chooses to start with the 9, and next it goes into the 2. These are the first two dimensions to emerge, the 9th and the 2nd. 9 as representing the center, and 2 as the first 2 cells or seeds to emerge. For the human being perspective this has little to no logic but in reality the universe started with the number 9. The center is the one that goes to the interior, and it’s also an interdimensional gate. The other 8 directions are the ones directed to the exterior, the ones we choose to follow when coming into matter form, each one as a different perspective or way that helps us know about the universe. And then to go back to Source again or to the center, we have to find the way to the 9th dimension.

So is it possible to go back to Source even while were are here in physical form? Yes, by the a time fold process. This is when the perception recognizes that everything that seems to be the more farthest away in the external, is actually what is at the most depth in the internal. Reality folds itself to come back into the center, which is deep inside us. And as we can see in the next picture, it does so according to certain patterns:


Here’s another one of the many things in our planet that does remember us of those same paths and directions:


Every Being that finds divinity inside himself, expands like a flower. This is also why plants who are the beings that most meditate on Earth are the only ones capable of creating flowers. Between human beings, the ones that reach enlightenment experience the opening of the 7th chakra like a flower too. The symbol of the flower is the unification of all the dimensions going towards the Center. This is how the universe designs things visually harmonic, capable of attracting to the center, because it knows that the most important is in the center, the nectar, the polen, in which the petals are the paths to go in order to reach the middle. Plants ramify exactly in the same way as the universe. This is the connection of how through all parts the universe finds a way into reflecting itself in the biology of all living things.

Another example of a totally geometric and biologic pentagon:


In the creation of the universe, there were entities who dedicated a large amount of time solely to its design. Some worked only the colors, others only the forms, others were just sound designers, and others did the structures. Those entities were known as the Great Weavers. The structures are the patterns in code, numerical, that ramify into other things. This was like writing a story or a script, on which the job was to register all the movements in the expansion and to connect all the points with one another. What was the purpose for creating this registry? To help the next coming Beings in existence to not be lost, so they could also find the paths on the great reality that was being generated. In our planet a biological example of those great weavers are the spiders. Beings usually with 8 legs and also a center (9). The big duality in the spiders (likewise with the great universal weavers) is that they can generate a fabric that connects all parts, and on the other side the same fabric can kill. This is: on one side the universal weavers created patterns so that we don’t get lost, and on the other side we also can’t get out of those patterns/webs. It was just the only way to ensure everyone could eventually get back to the center.

In antiquity, millions of years ago, the great universal weavers were called the Librarians, the same entities I started talking about in the beginning of this whole series. Those who knew where to store and find all the information. Today we give another name to that universal network: the Akashic Records, also know as The Matrix.

When all the structure of the network of the matrix is created, Time puts deadlines and specific directions in it. In each of the 8 paths to take there was a deadline and a direction to come back to center (as seen in the photo with the arrows). This is a universal pattern – the structure from which we move inside the matrix.

Let’s take a closer look into these two words: pattern and matrix. They are the same as father (latin – pater) and mother (latin – mater). Although this is familiar (pun intended) in our society, in this case it’s simply the structure of the universe. Repetition again. The universe generated first the matrix, which is the network, and then only a long time after it generated the patterns, which is the structure to go back to the center of the mother. This is why the universe creates the feminine aspect of things, is to make the masculine aspect useful, and this is also why the man is basically a biological necessity of the woman. The same happens in the universe, the patterns are a necessity in the learning process for the matrix. This happens in the same way biologically in our families, which is that – it is impossible to escape from the mother. It doesn’t happen only with human beings, but in all living beings it is impossible to be free from the patterns of the mother. Why? Simply because we were created from her.

On the other side of this, for us to not get so stuck in the matrix, or the mother, we seek to be more like the father, or the pattern. And in our reality, this has also many implications and reflections in our families and society, when we turned God into a father figure for example, and when children seek to be more like their fathers, and we begin to develop a stronger masculine side than the feminine.

The word pattern also means a repetitive and vicious cycle, as we know it. This is also when in wanting to break out from the mother we go more to the father side, which can also be unconsciously more attractive, and then we develop addictions, among many other things. This has its advantages and disadvantages, but often times it turns into a major issue that makes us go in search of therapy. We can see this easily when many cases in therapy are about someone wanting to get out of some repetitive cycle in the family, and because s/he can’t take it anymore, and when someone wants to be free from the oppression of the mother, etc.

But why is it that exists this constant repetition at all levels in our society? Because all this already existed since before Time. As mentioned before, everything that we are and do, the Universe already did it before. Our social systems, even politics and economy are things that functioned similarly in a universal context. The biological structure that we are in now, our physical bodies, are in reality an extension of a spiritual structure. Not only our bodies but also our cities, which reflect many times exactly the way a living organism works, being in this way also a connection with Spirit. So inevitably, when we meet this material reality, we connect with the spiritual universal part of it because there are patterns and a matrix that subjects us, even without we knowing anything about it. This is a succinct explanation of how we as biological beings are all spiritual, whether some of us believe in spirituality or not, and there is no escape from it.

When we forget about this, many of us are taken into error because by feeling a deep connection with the universal matrix we do not know how to explain it. And then many seek to break away from the aspect of physical families in this reality, by desiring to be with an ethereal or a galactic family instead, somewhere in a distant constellation as a means to run away from this world and meet peace and freedom somewhere else. Little do they know that at all universal levels everything is the like so the same repetitive Pattern. Until we go back to unity, to Center, there is no point in wanting to go somewhere else.

In the end, we also don’t have to seek to be free from the mother, but learn to get along and cope with the mother matrix instead. It’s the only way to integrate the experience. The goal is to learn how to use the tools that the feminine gave us since the beginning of time. The job of the patterns is therefore basically to just advise us in how to follow certain guidelines to make it easier to get along well within the Matrix. All that we need to remember is that for the universe, all the aspects that seem to block us, to strict and limits us, are not situations to liberate from but tools to learn how to use. In reality the universe is a big school, and as we grow in consciousness and learn to see the neutrality in all things, we begin to be aware of more and more connections between all things and see them with another eyes and with more depth.


Now let’s go back to the future, present and past coming at this respective same order in the universe and why:

When we see things in 2 dimensions, it appears pretty. But when we see them in more dimensions it becomes more beautiful, so beautiful that we cannot let go of it… This perspective is for what makes up the Infinite. Everything is the same many times until it becomes infinite. And we can see the infinite not as something that does not have a beginning or an end, but as something that is the same over and over again for eternity, so we can say that infinite is once again repetition.


Another symbol for the infinite other than the one above can also be the circle, imagining that we see the above symbol from the top, it folds in itself as a spiral, which becomes a circle, which is also a frequency wave.


From the frequency wave comes Sound, then the Light and the structure of Form, as explained before. Repetition again!

The initial point from which everything starts (the 9th dimension), or center, is the Future. Then the Future begins to live an experience in the Present. And when the Present ends the situation has converted into the Past. So in the universe, the Past is the last thing to happen. To put this into a context, the Future is the intention to live, this is when the universe projects in a great dream everything that it will be. When the universe observes all the reality that it can be in that big dream, it launches itself to live it, which is the Present. And once it lives it, the Past arises.

Likewise, we know that when we want to create something we have to think in the future, and this is so valid as we knowing that the past is the one who conditions the future. This means that after the past, what comes is the future again and not the present. This is the universal trinity of time and space. Only when everything mixes in such a way and for so much time is that the past becomes the before, the present the now, and the future the what is to come, as we know it – distortions in the matrix.

When the past, present and future forms in one only Time, it generates the third dimension:


This geometric figure of the tetrahedron, the first basic structure of reality, is the base between time and space. Also called the Divine Flame, or the Initial Flame of reality or even the First Drop (of water).

So we are constantly limited by a structure of time and space, that expresses itself in a matrix, and conditions itself in a pattern. And both the matrix and the pattern are absolutely necessary tools.

Conflict though, starts when the Past transforms itself in a reality and becomes matter. How is this possible? Remember when I mentioned that here on this planet we tend to see things contrary from what’s going on in the universe. We already know that we come from Spirit, to Soul, to Matter. This is the same as the Future, Present and Past, that being different tunings in reality are also the Spirit, Soul and Body, respectively. So from this perspective, for the Universe we are here and now living in the Past. This is the same as saying that we are living in a dense structure that is conditioned by the ideas in the Future. Mind boggling? :)

So our Present is a dense frequency conditioned by the intentions in the Future, that’s also correct. Intention was just an idea of the Universe, then It decided to “feel” what it was to manifest that idea, and from there it generated all the experiences of that sensation, which is the Past, the matter, the structure, the last Time to exist.

Since there is an inevitable structure in the universe to be accomplished, we can’t just go and do things from a random direction and go to anywhere we want. There are patterns to follow. So the Past brings those patterns and structures once already done to the Spirit, the Spirit analysis it, finds it interesting or not, and then goes to tell the Soul to feel it. And then sometimes the Soul asks “Why did that happened to me?” and starts to suffer. This is the conflict explained, as the Soul can also find what happened beautiful.

Now, let’s zoom in on the relation between all this to the story of Genesis, again another distortion of the original Matrix…

Since the process described above happens again and again, from future to present to past and to future again, infinitely, what starts to be created is the next geometry:


From the Infinite symbol to the electromagnetic fields of a Toroid. If we understand each line of the toroid as a past life experience, this toroid emerges as many infinite symbols put together. This happens when the same process occurs so many times that at a point it becomes impossible to know what was the first starting lap. And so in this sense we also loose contact with what was our first experience, of what we already did, of where should we go, or what was our purpose, we stop knowing anymore for what serves all the experiences or tools we used before. It becomes too much accumulated experiences to understand the reality that it starts to weight a lot for us to keep carrying them. This is why there is the saying that the past hurts, or the past is like a heavy burden. So inevitably we seek to liberate ourselves from the past with the intention to create a better future, or otherwise we feel like we are in pain, suffering, and then we get tired, have spinal problems, the neck hurts, the sight gets week… :)

The issue is when we are going through the long walk of our evolution process and we start tossing out the precious tools, which can also be seen as karmas. Then at a point we got rid of so many of those tools that we forget why we were going to a specific direction. Then when we reach the point where we should be and there is nothing that we carry that is useful anymore, we suddenly understand how important is the past. Because the past inevitably conditions the future. So again, we should not seek to completely liberate ourselves from the past because it also implies to never move forward. The problem is that we don’t know what is the best way to deal with the past. What we have to do is to understand the tools of the past and integrate them. All that happened before is to be regarded as tools for what there is to happen.

And doesn’t the above figure resembles something else?


Now, let’s see how was it that a long time ago the christians transformed this into the story of Genesis describing their version of the creation of the Earth and of mankind, and how was this story of the original sin created together with the story of Adam and Eve and an apple…

Let’s first brake down the original sin. Why “original sin”? Starting with the word sin, it comes from the word Peccata in latin which means error, or to error. But error does not necessarily mean something bad, for in every pedagogical system the error is always an important and necessary part of learning. Error, in the most common concept as we know it, does not exist, what does exist is a constant test given by the Universe. So having this in mind we can say that the Universe created a system that constantly generated errors meant to be corrected. Why? To generate more experiences that would improve the system in knowing more about itself. This is a great example of seeing things in a neutral way, the way of the Universe. So in a perspective, we can say that if all in the universe was to be forever perfect, it would not be able to enjoy the experience, and divine Consciousness would be very bored for all eternity, not having any challenges. :)

We have seen how the Universe expresses and reflects itself through all biological things, because there are patterns all have to follow which are in a genetically pre-programmed frequency Matrix. All fruits start with the same toroidal process, only later they change form to whatever they need to be.

So from the toroid, which is the real fruit of the Tree of Life from which the process of time and space in the Universe unfolds, to our universal conditioning, to an apple, and to the supposedly original sin… The original sin really is just about the discovery of time, when our self-consciousness emerged and made us learn about how our lives were time limited and that death existed. Knowing about our own death was something that made us unique to the point it reached cosmic significance and it made us realize about cosmic cataclysmic events too, as everything is related multi-dimensionally. We learned that Consciousness has everything to do with the Cosmos.

And basically this is the “original sin” explained. As the character of Cypher says to Neo in The Matrix movie: “What a mind job!”.

As this part is already long as it is, on future chapters I will zoom in more through the important role we as human beings living in the material world have to all the beings on a cosmic level, and how there is an important symbiosis occurring between them and us even though we’re living in the universal Past. I will also zoom in the ancient civilizations that lived here on Earth a long time ago like Atlantis. So stay tuned!

Chapter VIII

Our Education System

To end this part 4, I will leave here a snippet of a documentary where we can see how our education system of today is still a major “part” in the Matrix… and how it started as an economic necessity to prepare workers… and not to prepare the Self.

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