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RE: Meet my new website/blog:

in #spirituality6 years ago

I'm so glad you did that. I had made a plan this weekend to connect steempress to my existing blog on one of my websites this week. I've delayed because the particular site I intend to use is one I've intended to update the theme on for over a year, and it seemed silly to relaunch the abandoned blog there with the old design still. But I decided that I had to do one or the other this week, and picked adding the steemit articles, because that's so much easier. I guess we are once more in a type of sync LOL.

I really like the look of your site. It fits the name. I regretted not seeing a picture of you, honestly, but I guess you're not the picture on the internet type. 😁Congrats on getting it done.


Yeah, you can also set a delay on the posting - so that your blog gets indexed first. Luckily I'm relatively quick with WP and building websites. I'm glad I chose the Newspaper Theme - I can really recommend it!
The adding of the Steemit articles was quite a burden, but it worked out in the end....

And about the picture: Yeah, you are right. I'm not the picture type at all. Of course I thought about adding one, when I realized, that I don't even have one! 😁 Maybe I think of taking a picture of me once, but since I don't consider my optical appearence that interesting, it will be hard to remember 😁

You're funny. Say, are you on discord? I'd like to chat with you about something, but not on the blockchain.

Sure! I'm not on discord, but you can get me on Telegram -

Just wrote you

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