What is "the mark"? Who are the "fallen ones? "

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

Many are fascinated by "the mark" and equally "the fallen ones." Let's adventure together, look at perhaps a different perspective.

The mark

To date there many theories about the "mark of the beast." Perhaps, this is just another to toss upon the pile. However, many are fanatic about something that is somewhat shrouded in mystery. While others totally disregard the book of Revelations directly. See first excerpt below.

Revelation 13:18 King James Version (KJV)
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

As written above we see the numbers; 666. Doing the same math as last time, (6+6+6=18), to derive proper energy source on (tree) is... (1+8=9). Yeah that's only nine right? Now, consider two sides.

Last time it was suggested that sex had a role in ascending or transcending thought and emotion. So, there is ritually clean sex (what is prescribed in book of ritual purity) and unclean.

So, now we come with (9) for clean and likewise (9) for unclean. 18. Sounds ignorant, right? Or could this be deliberately hidden in the parable of the seed sowing farmer? Neither cancel each other out, as theyre derived from the same spiritual force center of 9th sphere. "Yesod."


There is proof of this occurring. When David sent a certain womans husband to die; to pick her like a flower. What happens? He is informed by a prophet that his son will die. And so it is. He fell, into the abyss and had to repay blood for blood. During his son's illness, personally feel this shows the beauty of spirit. Instead of hardening his heart he submitted himself before the Creator. ( ah, digressing)

...Masonic practice states there are 9 cellars...

Today, this makes sense. Unclean paths are spread to all ages. Even Disney movies subtly introduce children to these sensitive issues. There is a process, that is hidden away in Psalms, that one can convert sexual energy into spiritual energy (not the lets go to church kind, the kind "experience", kind).

Fallen Ones

There exists many people who have ascended this ladder, but chosen to fall. Perverting, or trying to influence those they come into contact with. Some groups call them nephillim. Nephillim if we look at what it means is men of great renown,power, strength, stature.

Interesting right? These same beings practice the very things that are spelled out here in perverse ways. The complete and udder diametric opposite. Nephillim aside from their uhh, impropieties also, introduce weapons, or things (ideas) that generally are toxic to the rest of the world. (Class, status, supremacy, pride, guilt, shame, political affiliation, namely all the defects of personility -subdivision of the ego). This is done so second suggestion is ensured.

The thing about this subject is threefold, first it happens today. Second, the reliance of people denying or remaining ignorant of the fact (the practices) is crucial for its spread. Remember, that these are fallen be wary of subtle dangers on your path and be not like them.

Still dont believe this is the mark? Or causing others to fall? Check out the video below.

This is just a perspective to consider, please leave your thoughts below.


My squirrley thoughts on what "the Mark" could be:

In the hand and forehead = thoughts and action? Intention and behavior? Owned in mind and body? Compliance in action and ideology? Not sure of the wording I'm looking for but you get the idea. It is not a physical "mark" just like God's anointing is not physically seen. Just an idea I've been pondering.

Yes SB, you are stating what is written here.

Behavior and thoughts, when the mind works it produces imagery... they become actions..

The hand also means the working class. The head is the mind, or the "third eye."

I am somewhat ignorant of a lot of what you have been discussing, so don't take my silence as opposition. I am soaking in what you share, feeling if it fits right.

Lately given some of my research I am beginning to suspect the mark will be something to do with transhumanism and being forced to participate.

Interesting. Have considered that as well in the past. But... for various reasons moved beyond it.

Interesting, how do they get value of six in the three pillars?can't tell if pattern or bar is identical to the 6. Certainly, interesting though. :)

@hippie-witha-gun so, humoring you. This is the "mark" or barcode... what does the seal of 144k of each tribe look like? Curious as to others thoughts. :)

I don't know about any of that. I just know that we are the commodity. Refusing the number is what we have to do. Your birth certificate, your Social Security number is your mark of the beast, the 666. Why do you think the Social Security Act is [42 U.S.C. 666(a)(13)]?

Because child support is nefarious :) but agreed. We are beings not oil

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