The Universe is Mental

in #spirituality2 years ago

My earliest realization aligning to this core truth was the Double Slit experiment in quantum mechanics, when I was very younger, I believe before 11. I will never understand how this went over the heads of millions!

Upon a person observing particles, scientists recorded particles literally changing their atomic structure, just like how you would render graphics in a game when a player looks at an area, from a wave to a denser form (aka. particle, or consequence of).

However, this doesn't stop at science, science merely proved in the modern day what spiritual men and women, like Buddha & Jesus of Nazareth, have preached for who knows how long. have been preaching for thousands of years.
The debate of whether or not Psychic Phenomena is real was sadly overshadowed by the cult-like people selling and repackaging spiritual information to followers. This has lead the majority of people undenounced to spirituality to categorize & coagulate it with snake oil.

The most powerful spiritual organization on Earth are seemingly the Yehudim, or Jewish faith, which was built upon these fundamental truths. The Kyballion, a core teaching of Jewish Hermeticism, explains how the universe works through the scope of our mind and lacks any sort of worship you'd find in other books.

The most protected Religion is also the Jewish faith, implying their influence over society through the judicial protections towards "antisemitism". It is unclear to me why a word even exists just for prejudice against 1 religion in our English dictionary, and yet, their culture produced one of the most profound spiritual books of the ages.

The Universe

According to the CIA, the universe is a holographic & fractalic in nature. The full text can be found in the citations.
Here's a small excerpt from the CIA report:
"Science now knows that both the electrons_which spin in the energy field located around the nucleus of the atom and the nucleus itself are made up of nothing more than oscillating energy grids. Solid matter, in the strict construction of the term, simply does not exist. Rather, atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids which orbit at extraordinarily high speeds. In his book, Stalking the Wild Pendulum, Itzhak Bentov gives the following figures. The energy grid which composes the nucleus of the atom vibrates at approximately 1022 Hertz(which means 10 followed by 22 zeros). At 70 degrees Fahrenheit an atom oscillates at the rate of 1015 Hertz. An entire molecule, composed of a number of atoms bound together in a single energy field vibrates in the range of 109 Hertz. A live human cell vibrates at approximately 103 Hertz." - Assessment of Project Stargate, CIA

This provides an explanation of how matter is constructed. Each atomic structure, according to that text, contains an energy grid that oscillates at a certain rate. These energy grids make up our cells to our body. According to the author of the book they referenced, our cells vibrate at 103 Hz however, this is wrong according to the Schumann resonance, the natural brainwave of the earth. I do not know where the author got that number but 7.83 Hz has been recorded to be nature's natural brainwave frequency and has numerous positive effects on our bodies, it can even be enhanced with binaural beats a.k.a. the easiest and most accessible brainwave entrainment technology. (Search up "Schumann Resonance Binaural Beats" on YouTube and amaze yourself if you haven't used this before).


Energy is responsible for all of the happenings in the world. All events transpire according to the energy invoking said events. Good and bad, and as we are aware, other energies can attain awareness.
These energies, we will now refer to as "entities" due to their inherent awareness, have plagued our collective subconscious for thousands of years.
The Collective Subconscious is a Jungian term for the underlying energy in the mind of our species which propagates negative action, negative belief systems, self-doubt, etc. The unconscious should not be confused with the subconscious. The subconscious is simply the lack of conscious awareness transpiring during an action or observation.
The collective subconscious may also be weaponized through occult techniques. It is most commonly done in modern times through the production of Egregores, which you can think of as brands and logos for those are how our consciousness connects to the egregores. I will not say they are bad nor good, they simply are and happen to be worshipped in society (materialism).
"The unconscious is the universe unmanifested and it is our job to bring to reality of whatever ether is attracted to us."

  • Alan Watts, a great Western Speaker & Philosopher (1915–1973)
    To summarize, The Ether is one of the five elements apart of the Hindu Ayurveda, which translates to the collective unconscious, the universal mind, or the future, and it is our job to be aware of our subconscious enough to tap into this ether, and let it enrich our lives…

The Law of Attraction, Neville Goddard's work, is a great tool for self-help that applies all of these philosophies in a brilliant manner without compromising your self-integrity.

You may have heard of the LoA or haven't, it's simply a book to help others relate to the universal laws in a practical manner; active imagination is a highly important practice, if you manage to do it enough you can sync your brain hemispheres.

The Zen Monks who have trained years practice all of this in their mind. They understand better than all the other groups I've listed the importance of the mind. It is a huge fallacy of modern day Yogis to believe the mind is illusory.

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