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RE: [Hae-Joo] Applications and Limitations of Energy - How the Wise One Learns to Master Energy

in #spirituality6 years ago

I’ve never heard of this type of energy referred to like this... where does it come from? The name “kundalini”...?

Also some of my thoughts on it below:

So once we are sure we have figured out what it is we need or desire to achieve, and we see exactly where the process starts and ends, and we are confident we that it is indeed possible to accomplish it...

I believe that the hardest part before even trying to understand how and when to use this power. Is to determine what it is that it should be used on.

Once someone truly knows what it is they want to be doing then using this type of energy on that specific thing seems like it would come naturally.

Then as you mentioned keeping the balance between physical and etherical (psychological) energy is important. Once this is achieved, in addition to knowing what you want to be doing, then tapping into the so called kundalini energy is possible. And from that point on understanding how it can be used, as you’ve described above, can be incorporated.


Kundalini is the Hindi word, the whole concept is deeply intertwined with Hinduism, and is a part of the whole Chakra understanding of energy in the different bodies... It's really deep and beautiful but I think the concept doesn't really need a labels and names so much as people need to recognize in their life this beautiful and wonderful source of energy...

You're absolutely right... I just simply believe that without having access to a source of real, concrete, powerful energy through out the day I can get easily demoralized or give up on my goals... But it doesn't need to be this way!

The key is being at One with oneself, being aligned with oneself, remembering and projecting where we were and where we want to go, and moving on it in the present moment! Powerful stuff :)

I think the problem with labeling things is people cannot understand determine when that differently labeled thing is actually one and the same as (or at the very least similar to) something they already believe in. And it then creates a divide between them. What’s the difference between the Holy Spirit and this Chakra energy - on a conceptual level. (Question mark omitted as it is intended to be rhetorical). Instead of finding differences in things - people should look for similarities. And if something is different, use it as a learning tool or opportunity to learn.

Just more random thoughts.


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