
Ok, so then if Adolf Hitler received salvation when he was a young man, you are saying that free grace would then allow him to go on and murder millions of people without consequence? Free grace is a free license to sin?

Weird that you would think it is a license to sin. Do you not sin anymore after you claimed that you are saved? 1 John says if you think you have no sin you make yourself a liar.

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I'm going by how you are describing it. You are saying you can receive salvation and go on living life freely sinning as you did before you received salvation. To me that is a license to sin.

You didn't answer concerning Hitler. Does this free grace speak of allow him to receive salvation as a young man and then go on and murder millions of people later in life?

You see you are trusting your own works. Hitler was a racist he believed in darwinism and was babtized as a catholic. So I believe he never trusted christ.

You are mistaking justification for salvation.

When people sin there are physical consequences. So if you want to be gluttonous and slothful. Will will most likely die of heart disease. If you murder you will face the full force of the law.

Salvation is a free gift to whoever believes. If they continue in sin and many do they are still saved. God will chastise you for sin. But he will never forsake you.

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so then that is a yes Hitler could have received salvation as a young man and according to your belief in free Grace he still could go on and murder millions of people and still make it to heaven.

You are describing this free grace as a license to keep on sinning.

Does grace abound so sin may abound? Are we not called to imitate Christ? Would Christ live a sinful life? Or would Christ live a life striving not to sin?

I do not trust in my own works for my salvation. My salvation comes thru the blood of Messiah and him only. The fruit of my salvation is obedience. as James said faith without works is dead. My works is the fruit of my salvation. I do not obey God's law for salvation I obey God's law for love and for proof of my fruit of my faith. even Jesus said if you love me obey my Commandments. Jesus Is God there for all the Commandments found in the Old Testament all of those laws are jesus's laws there for when Jesus says if you love me obey me he's talking about all of the laws you find in the Old Testament that he gave.

That's called keeping the law and the Bible says that by the law no flesh shall be justified.

Jesus gave his own commandments. It is not the law.

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Jesus gave his own Commandments huh? I know that's incorrect but go ahead and tell me what do you think are the Commandments Jesus gave and I will go ahead and prove you wrong after you state them.

You said I was confusing salvation and justification where you at you just go to verse that says no one is justified by keeping the law and you're using it to mean no one can receive salvation by keeping the law. If I am confused then it seems you're just as confused as I am.

Yes you are confused. If the doctrine is called justification. Like being justified by you works before the brethren like James said.

It does not mean every time justified is used it refers to the doctrine of justification.

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by the way if you haven't murdered anybody today then you've kept the law of not committing murder. If you haven't stolen anything today then you kept the law of not stealing. You keep the law too. the only way to not keep the law is by sinning because sin is defined as the breaking of Gods law.

@hansdewet what are these commands Jesus gave?

Also can you explain how Jesus is a sinless sacrifice if he sinned by adding to the law of God. God said not to add to or take away from his law and now you are saying that Jesus added to the law which would make that a sin.

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

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