Solving Mark of The Beast! Video By: Fyrstikken

in #spirituality7 years ago

It is one of the last mysteries in Prophecy, in a time of revelation where earth is as confused as it can be. No doubt we are in troubled times, World War III and whats worse. Anyway, Enjoy my last video on this subject, please comment below or join and find me there if you want to talk.

Created by @fyrstikken - Vote for my Witness - @fyrst-witness


Wow, a long story to listen to. Thanks!

Is this included too?

Not at all. You will know when you have seen the video.

:) Cool

Just guessing, of course :)

hehe, nooo? :)

.666 is found by dividing 2/3 or 3/4 its a numerical evaluation of the heart chakra from the root, a divison of the whole, in music it is called a perfect fifth when you do this. Hence, Jesus number, 888 is 8/9. A resonant area between the third eye and the crown chakra. Has nothing to do with a devil, other than the relationship between your heart ego and root chakra, or do you resonate higher in your scale or octave as a human!

you comment without watching my video.

Interesting this video!

I see there is alot of religious people here seeing as this is a video of religious content that made manny upvotes. (unless some upvoted it asuming otherwise)
In one definition - Religion - means to hold back or to tie down. that in itself wil tell you something. You call yourself and your subscribers awake? IM sorry, but from this videos content, no. IF any the beast is religion in itself, alongside many other preversions of truth. Among other, throu symbolism (as @ervin.lemark points to)

The term awake is largly missused and is loosing its meaning unless it is used to awaken more to "topic". Otherwise is becomes a meaningless sound. So then what are you awake to - what realisation have you come to?

End-time or other fulfillment?

Some have speculated that the wounding of the beast refers to the destruction of the Roman Empire in AD 476. The empire is then said to have been miraculously "resurrected" or revived by Justinian in AD 554. Of course, we cannot demonstrate such an assertion from the context of Revelation 13. The problem with this idea is that if the wounding refers to something that occurred in AD 476 and AD 554, then this material in Revelation would have had no meaning for John’s original audience, who lived around AD 100. Yet, the book was written to them. This means we are advised to look for an interpretation of the symbols of Revelation 13 in terms of the understanding of the Christians in Asia who lived around this time.

Is there an eschatological or end-time fulfillment to Revelation 13 as well? It’s clear that Revelation as a whole does have in view such a time when "the kingdom of the world" will "become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ" (11:15). Chapters 19 and 20, for example, point to a time when the Lamb will return as a victorious king and the people of God will be given their just reward.


P.S. I'm fascinated by the biblical exegesis of Revelations!

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