Chakra Week – Day 1: The Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)

in #spirituality7 years ago

Namasté dear Steemians and fellow enlightenment seekers,

Chakra is the Sanskrit name for rotating energy centers in our body. The word can be translated as „wheel“ or „circle“ and the knowledge about the Chakras comes from ancient India. It plays a significant role in tantric hinduism, yoga, meditation and many esoteric teachings.

We have a lot of energy centers in our body, but the 7 main Chakras are those who are considered to have the greatest importance in spiritual growth and awakening the Kundalini. This is the name of an ethereal energy everyone bears within which is located along the spine, looking like kind of a snake who is in a snoozing state. If we accomplish to dissolve all the blockades in our Chakras the Kundalini awakens and we can experince enormous personal and spiritual growth, transition and a completely new and pure state of consciousness. It is our chance to connect to the divine.

Therefore it is not only an important step to care about the Chakras and free them from blockades for everyone seeking personal and spiritual truth and enlightenment, but also the reason why it's given so much importance in many spiritual teachings and religions.

I meditate for about 10 years now and I made a lot of amazing, deep and touching experiences in opening my Chakras and trying to awake my Kundalini. As I profit so much from working with my energy centers and gained a lot of personal and spiritual growth by doing so, I just felt the wish to share my knowledge with you. I simply would be so happy if you could feel the wonderful and vitalizing feeling of awakening an unknown before energy within yourself, too.

That's why I decided to dedicate this week to this exciting topic and present you one of the 7 main Chakras every day, tell you what it stands for, what blockades in this energy center can cause and how you can dissolve them and let your energy spin again and so flow in a free way.

Let's begin our journey with the first Chakra...

The 7 main Chakras

The Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)

The symbol of the Muladhara Chakra

The Root Chakra connects us to our body, the earth and the material aspect of life.

Where it is located

At the end of your spine, between the genitals and the anus.

The color of the Chakra




What it stands for:

  • (Basic) trust
  • Vitality
  • Safety
  • (Basic) instincts
  • Being „rooted“ in your life and feel safe in a physical, mental and material sense
  • Strength
  • Steadyness

What a blocked Root Chakra may cause

As this Chakra is literally the root of our energetic system, the first of the 7 main Chakras which connects us to our (basic) trust and instincts, it is enourmously important to dissolve any blockages it may have experienced in your life.

There are many reasons which can block the spin of this center such as:

  • Not having experienced enough security, stability and trust in your childhood
  • If you did not have a good connection to your mother as a baby and/or child who was your „root“ in this world when you were still overwhelmed by life and its impressions
  • The feeling of fear to not survive (not enough food, love, people to trust, etc...)
  • Not having been fostered enough and so developing the feeling of meaninglessness in life
  • If you did/do not have a safe home or country to live in (violence, war, nobody who cared about you in a loveing way...)

If your Root Chakra is blocked it can cause several symptoms in a mental and physical way.


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  • No trust in life and its process and people around you
  • Fear ( of change and transition, not being able to survive, not being good enough, not being accepted...)
  • Feeling uncomfortable in your own body
  • Feeling insecure about making decisions
  • A pessimistic mindset
  • Depression
  • Spiritual stagnation and questioning your own life purpose
  • Insecurity in nearly all aspects of life (the feeling of life is dangerous and unfair)
  • Low self-esteem
  • Low self-love
  • The feeling of not knowing who you are and where you belong
  • Anxiety and tension
  • The feeling of being burned-out



  • Weak immune system
  • Problems with your legs and feet
  • Problems with your intestinal and anus
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Disorders in your skeleton or skin

How to open your Root Chakra


Activities that ground you:

  • Walking barefeet
  • Dancing and other sports which demand your feet and legs such as yoga, football, walking or hiking
  • (Guided) meditations to open your Root Chakra or this exercise as it helps you to ground yourself, let go of fears and arrive in the present moment again

Healing stones:

  • Ruby
  • Red agate stone
  • Red jasper

Aromatic healing:

  • The smell of earth and nature
  • Ginger
  • Rosemary
  • The smell of tree resin and wood


  • Sandalwood
  • Patchouli
  • Cinnamon
  • Palo Santo


  • Root vegetables such as: Carrots, beetroots parsnips, potatoes and more
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Red fruits and vegetables

Special tip:

  • You can support your Root Chakra healing process by wearing red clothes or an amulet with an above mentioned healing stone
  • Try to listen to your inner child and come terms with your past and possible traumas (you don't need to do that alone. If you feel you need some help, it's totally ok! Just look for a good psychotherapist, healer, meditation or yoga teacher, shaman or another person you feel comfortable with)
  • Make some experiences which restore your faith and trust in life and people (meeting friends, trying something new, travel...)
  • Do everything that makes you feel happy and comfortable in your body ( sports, going out into the nature, good food, massages, sports...)


I wish you a wonderful journey towards self-love and spiritual growth. If you have any questions feel free to ask me and I'll try to answer it to you to the best of my knowledge :)

If there's something wrong or you want to add something, I am happy about your feedback, too! :)

Lots of love and light to you :)

Yours Linda



  • My own experiences (meditation alone and in a guided group, talking to others who are experienced in this topic such as meditation teachers and shamans, reading books)
  • Source 1, Source 2



@unityeagle look it all starts here... RED the color the energy flow... I see where I still have work to do on this... Thank you @endorphoenix This subject is so important and helpful... I am reblogging your series on the chakras and am now going to go paint RED... @pokerman check out this series and reblog it this is part of the work we all need to do... work is not the right word the allowing of this flow is of great importance.

Dear @allowisticartist <3
I am really touched by your support and love! Thank you from deep down my heart for sharing my series and by that spreading the vibes to heal our souls and let our energy flow freely again. I think we all deserve to enfold ourself and our potential and connect to our higher-self again :)
I am really, really grateful for your support!! :) <3

How amazing you use this series to do some creative work and let your energy flow! It makes my heart dance to see I could reach you with my posts!! :)

And it makes me so grateful I am able to help you to connect with your Chakras again! This is the best gift ever!! :)

I am SO excited to see more of your stunningly beautiful artworks! :)

Let's grow together and let our energy flow! :)

Big hug and thank you again!! Namasté

Good stuff! How do you feel about solfeggio frequencies?

Thank you very much!! :)
I really love solfeggio frequencies! :) I use them to heal my body and soul and to wipe out all the negative energies from my home :)
How nice you asked me about them! Do you like the solfeggio frequecies too? :)
And if yes, how do you use them? :)

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