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in #spirituality6 years ago

I'm curious if you watched the video @hansdewet, because based on the information presented in the video I came to a much different conclusion than what you did. based on the information in the video presented from the scriptures Jesus wants us to keep the law


Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

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I have not listened to the video. I could make the connections before hand. I am of the free grace camp. Also known as fundemantal babtist.

We trust the work of Christ and not our own good works.

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You really should watch the video if you are going to comment on a post about the video. I fully trust Jesus for my salvation too, but that doesn't mean that I am free to go live like a heathen. Does "free grace" mean that you can run around worshipping other gods and cheating on your spouse and stealing things and eating whatever you want and killing people and wearing whatever you want because Jesus died?

Yes. If you trusted Christ for salvation and you stop believing and worship other gods, like Solomon,. Even if you murder, like David. Even if you deny christ, like Peter. Even if you commit adultery like David and loose all your children. You can not perish says John 3:16

Jesus said even a foolish thought is a sin. Even if you look apon a woman with lust you have already committed adultery. Slothfulness gluttony.

You still sin daily.

How can it be everlasting life if I can loose it tomorrow. Then he should have called it temporary life.

So was that a yes or no? Are you saying that yes you can come to the realization that you are a sinful person in need of a savior and accept his salvation as a free gift and then continue on with your life living as you did before, not changing your actions or behaviors at all?

Yes all the holy men of God did all those things you cited. Do you believe they are in heaven? Because the Bible calls them holy men of God spoke.

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Ok, so then if Adolf Hitler received salvation when he was a young man, you are saying that free grace would then allow him to go on and murder millions of people without consequence? Free grace is a free license to sin?

Weird that you would think it is a license to sin. Do you not sin anymore after you claimed that you are saved? 1 John says if you think you have no sin you make yourself a liar.

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I'm going by how you are describing it. You are saying you can receive salvation and go on living life freely sinning as you did before you received salvation. To me that is a license to sin.

You didn't answer concerning Hitler. Does this free grace speak of allow him to receive salvation as a young man and then go on and murder millions of people later in life?

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