in #spirituality7 years ago

Esoteric of the day.jpg

Here are todays quotes paired with art, because in this busy world, we rarely have time to reflect on the inner, the hidden, and the little known powerful aspects of our human condition.


"The world is a looking glass and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face."

~ William Makepeace Thackeray

“Only the inner light can dispel the outer darkness; each individual consequently lives in a world radiant either with the sunshine of his own soul or obscured and clouded by the ignorance within him. The internal light is the eternal light, whereas such illumination as comes from without is illusionary and corporeal.”

~ Manly P. Hall

"Without love the acquisition of knowledge only increases confusion and leads to self-destruction."

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

“Illumination never comes to a person incapable of understanding it or appreciating its significance. It is not unusual for people to go to a teacher of the occult sciences to have their psychic experiences diagnosed and interpreted. One will say, ‘such and such a thing happened to me -was it initiation?’ Another will say, 'I saw some funny lights last night–am I illuminated?’ One rule that all can depend upon is that no one will be illuminated or initiated without knowing it. The reason is evident no one can be initiated until he has reached a state of development in which he is perfectly qualified to decide for himself the significance of his mystical experiences. A person who does not know whether he is illuminated or not very evidently is not, for illumination itself could scarcely fail to clarify this problem for him.”

~ Manly P Hall

“Light is an electric fire put by Nature at the service of the will; it lights those who know how to use it, it burns those who abuse it.”

~ Aleister Crowley

“The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.”

~ Norman Cousins

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

~ Carl G. Jung

With love,


I liked this Post very much since these quotes are motivating and the images give an incredible strength, I liked a lot and wanted to continue reading more, I will be a follower of your account, I will support you with my vote, I invite you to visit my publications, I would like to thank you for your collaboration, since with the vast majority of my earnings, I am donated to a foundation that is in charge of helping children of extreme poverty who live in humble areas in my country. Venezuela

Wonderful work pairing the words together with art, they feed each other quite well.

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