
then it should be smudging - I always used smudge in a sense of getting something dirty, like when the kids don't eat properly and smudge their clothes... I sometimes use White Sage as well, but it doesn't grow here, so I have to buy it - often called "Indianer-Salbei" in German :-) Mugwort and Verbena officinalis were/are the sacred ones here...

Smudge has both meanings.

I have this great little resident dictionary from Word Web on my computer. It's resident so you can be offline to use it. You point at the word and press CTRL-right click and it pops up with the definitions. I've used it for years since I'm a very bad speller. The thesaurus feature also gives me lots of different words to make my copy less repetitive. Best of all it's FREE!

I need to get back into my wild herb recognition studies. I've been spending all my time building on my cabin and have done little else. Down south the rainy season is about to begin and lots of things will be springing up.

this dictionary sounds great - I will check it out tonight! Looking forward to your wild herb posts :-) Do you have a cabin down south as well?

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