New World Order Bible Versions (The Differences of Bibles) XXVIII

in #spirituality7 years ago

Here is another mistake that these modern versions make.  In the King James, Galatians chapter 5:12 says, " I would they were even cut off which trouble you."  

The New International Version reads, "As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!"  

Emasculate?  Wish they would go the whole way?

Now does that sound like something that the Bible would teach?  Or would the Apostle Paul even say this?  

And, some people would say, "well, I don't think that's what they meant in the New International Version text of the Bible."

Then, is that why the New English Translation bible says, "I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"

Castrate!?  Gosh... what kind of scripture would try to tell you to remove the testicles of yourself?  Certainly not something that I would choose to read, and certainly not something that I will believe either.  So, that's it... this is the one thing that led me away from the nondenominational churches altogether.  I didn't lose faith however... my faith only got stronger with time of studying these differences and the word of God.  But, I can clearly see why so many people lose faith and lose touch with Gods word, and especially when it isn't God's word anymore.  

How about the Contemporary English Version, saying, "I wish that everyone who is upsetting you would not only get circumcised, but would cut off much more!"  I've even read before in this verse of another bible, "to go and cut off much more."

I mean, who would want to believe in a God that would tell you to go an emasculate themselves - or better yet, castrate themselves?  Better yet, why don't you just go and circumcise yourself and why don't you just go cut off a whole lot more?  I mean, who believes this crap!?  I certainly don't! 

Cut yourself off from people simply means to cut yourself off from the people that will hurt your spirits, and not help you.  It's easy enough to understand in the King James don't you think?  And, it's quite astonishing in these modern versions.  The cutting off in the King James had nothing to do with self mutilating yourselves or anyone else for the matter!  If the Lord loves us all, it doesn't matter what sins we have - just if, in our heart of hearts that we want to be forgiven, and we don't need to go into some confession booth in order to tell God, we tell God right from where we are, or our beds.  You don't have to wait for permission from some Catholic priest to tell God the way that you are feeling.  You can do it tonight, right from where you are, now.

Paul was referring to people that would disobey God's word and that they would be cut off.  I don't have time to show you all the hundreds of examples of this, but - this is where these modern day scriptures are heading these days.  It's 100% filth!  And, this is what people read and want to fight over how right they are, over a person that reads more then they ever tried to?  

I see some of these people and all they are doing is trying to look good for someone they like or trying to get cozy with someone that they want.  I see girls who like guys who are married, and people that dress as provocative as possible, and yet - they go to church, so they think they are all high and mighty.  They aren't any more of a person then anyone else is, so they don't need to go off and flaunt it as they are something better.  They aren't!



the new world order is already here, we are already shepparded with the internet and the control is being administered via the UN

Pretty much! But, the people are dumbied up and letting these people continue to do bad things - be in charge.

i think its more a case of being poweless, every time that we have tried to mobilise people have been killed ..... thats why im investing in cryptos, its the best chase to beat these people, take the money out of their control and they will crumble, Thank you Mr Nakamoto! ............ :)

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