You Can't Deny the Power Within You Anymore - Claim Extraordinary

in #spirituality6 years ago


Is there anything we're more afraid of than our own power? Who are you to be powerful? What would happen to your relationships if you were powerful af? All the dynamics would change, right? People might be intimidated by you. What would it be like to embody enough power to move mountains? It's a responsibility, right?

The truth is, we can't not be powerful. We just are by nature given that each of us are Source energy: literally the energy that creates worlds. Donald Epstein or Donald Trump aren't any more powerful than any of us. It's just a matter of focus.

Most of us use our focus against ourselves. We're incredibly self-defeating. By default, we use our power to literally cause dis-ease and kill ourselves.

It seems so difficult to overcome our conditioning and our erroneous belief that we're the victim of our circumstance. But is it? Nothing can trump the inherent, fierce power that we are. It's eternal. Through eternity and infinity, it has much more momentum than the measly lifetime of momentum that we've built up in this particular human life. The measly little human ego and mind pale in comparison to the vast infinity of our innate power.

So the instant that this power is again brought to your consciousness - the fire is reignited again. One by one, with its Innate Intelligence it burns through all the self defeating junk that we've gathered, believed, and lived out along the way. The fire is intelligent and wise beyond comprehension. It knows the perfect timing. It knows the perfect route. It knows the perfect order to bring you back to your innate state of all powerful-ness.

It's going to burn through all that's false and turn it into something so magical. Fire is transformation. It's fierce, ruthless, and relentless. It's also love.

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Meditate on fire. What does it feel like to add the element of fire to your being and to your life?

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There's a fire burning in all of our solar plexuses. An intelligent one. A loving, yet extremely fierce one.

You can't go back now. It already led you here to read this. The eternal truth of your infinite power is ignited. To try and keep the fire small will kill you. You have to give yourself over to its intelligence and let it take you on your journey to your true awakening in this life.

Claim extraordinary.

"Normal is a setting on a washing machine."
-Donny Epstein

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You are on fire!


Burn baby burn.

Stirring words.


🙏 Nice to see you again.

I've forgotten what it is like to be that inspired, if I ever was...

Claim extraordinary, @wales. 🙂

I think you're right ~ our conditioning has taught us to be self-defeating and not to understand the power and awesomeness we all hold.

I saw your post on the #nobidbot post. :-)

Nice. I love that movement.

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